Weaving The Web: A Cold Hollow Mystery (Cold Hollow Mysteries Book 2)

Weaving The Web: A Cold Hollow Mystery (Cold Hollow Mysteries Book 2) by Emilie J. Howard Page A

Book: Weaving The Web: A Cold Hollow Mystery (Cold Hollow Mysteries Book 2) by Emilie J. Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emilie J. Howard
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    Myrna stopped walking and turned to him. Her expression saddened. “It was originally Sophia Barner’s bakery, and I inherited it in a way. I left the name ‘Sophia’s’ in order to honor the best friend I ever had in my life.”
    Robert had heard some gossip around town about a recent family tragedy. He normally ignored gossip; perhaps he should have paid better attention.

    Belinda Carlisle woke up early Sunday morning and muttered as she did the farm chores. “This backward town is as crooked as the damn prison system!” She emptied a bucket of manure into her vegetable bed and spread it out. She had already fed all the farm animals and mucked the stalls, but the work had doubled since the disappearance of her sister. The stupid police department didn’t have any leads as to her whereabouts, and Belinda was beyond upset over it. She planned to visit the police station after her chores were done and she’d had a bite to eat. Since her sister’s disappearance, she had not been eating right and she knew it. She was accustomed to Bernadette’s cooking and had relied on it so long she soon discovered she couldn’t even fry an egg. She threw the bucket across the yard and watched it plunk to the ground behind the house. After going inside, washing her hands, and running a brush through her hair, she headed toward town in her pickup truck.
    Chief Hanover sat at his desk at the police station and began writing out new questions for the parole officer to ask both Warren Measly and Robert Collins. He had listed off at least ten new questions when an officer escorting Belinda Carlisle into his office interrupted him. She plopped in a chair opposite his desk, crossed her arms, and snarled, “Have you found my sister yet? What have you done to find her? Have you even checked any of the homes in this sick demented town, or are you just sitting here on your ass!”
    Chief Hanover stood and leaned over his desk. “I have done what any chief of police would do. We’ve run searches, made inquiries, and done some investigative work. If your tone does not change with me, Ms. Carlisle, I’ll stop right there! You are no longer the bully of this town!” His voice rose an octave and his face turned red. “I am!”
    She turned her head and whispered, “Well I sure as hell would like to have her back. I don’t understand any of this.”
    “Tell me this, Ms. Carlisle, how many enemies have you made in this town? Who would want to see your sister gone?”
    Her head turned slowly back toward him, and her eyes displayed the fury she felt over being asked this question. “The stinkin’ people in this town are twisted rejects. My sister and I work hard. We haven’t bothered anyone recently.”
    He harrumphed as he sat back down. “Recently. That is funny.”
    “Why is it so funny?”
    He stared at her, made a firm line of his lips, and spoke through them. “You have a long past in this town and have managed to aggravate or assault most of the people who are trying to better their lives. Don’t hand me some cockamamie bullshit about ‘recently.’ Hell, I could inspect all the homes in this town and find each resident held a grudge against you or your sister for one reason or another. Without solid evidence, I can’t just barge into their homes and say, hey there, I’m just checking to see if you’ve kidnapped someone.”
    She remained silent and put her head down. He snapped, “Ms. Carlisle, I have an investigation to run. So please get out of my damn police station.”
    She stood and left his office, slamming the door behind her.
    Chief Hanover rubbed his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and stared at the ceiling as he contemplated more questions for the parole officer to ask Warren and Robert. He’d be in Myrna’s office during those two particular meetings, in case he was needed.
    On Monday morning at first light, Robert Collins jumped in his truck and went to Main

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