Weapons of Mass Distraction

Weapons of Mass Distraction by Camilla Chafer Page A

Book: Weapons of Mass Distraction by Camilla Chafer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Camilla Chafer
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the time you leave. What are you going to do now?”
    “Find out if anyone saw the killer,” I said, feeling glad he didn’t ask me how. I hated to sound unsure, but I hadn’t exactly worked out how I would do that yet.

    Chapter Seven
    So much for anyone seeing the killer. Despite all my subtle snooping while wearing the Fairmount Gym t-shirt, no one saw anything. Well, they saw a bunch of stuff, but nothing that pertained to my case. I did receive three complaints about gym equipment, the suggestion of Legionnaire’s disease being transmitted through the air ducts, some gossip about two of the instructors secretly getting it on, plus, the offer of a luncheon date from a very bendy octogenarian. So, you know, excluding my secret relationship with my boss… I still had it!
    Speaking of bosses, mine was strolling towards me at that very moment and it was all I could do not to sigh. There was something about him that made my stomach do the flippity-flip, while my fingers curled my hair and I giggled. Fortunately, I managed to muster some self-restraint as I was twenty years too old for that kind of stuff. I noticed a couple of women on the treadmills following Solomon over toward me and tried not to feel smug. I didn’t try too hard because that defeated the object of having a hot guy.
    “How’s it going?” asked Solomon, his lips pursing ever so slightly as he blew a secret kiss only I could catch.
    “Nothing yet,” I told him, “though I now know a bunch of stuff I didn’t need to know.”
    “Sometimes even the smallest, most inconsequential things can mean something later,” he told me.
    I waved to Mr. Ahearne as he ambled by the instructors’ station, his knee-length shorts hitched up on one side to reveal surprisingly toned quads. He winked at me.
    “He asked me out earlier,” I told Solomon.
    Solomon watched the older man shuffling out the door. “Want me to fight him for your honor?”
    I laughed. “No, but thanks for offering. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?”
    “Just came by to see how you were doing and if you needed any help?”
    “Do you drop in on the guys and see if they need any help too?” I asked jokingly.
    However, the jovial air disappeared as Solomon frowned and simply said, “No.”
    “Just me, huh?” I asked, wondering if Solomon knew my training wheels had come off a while back. Several corpses (not mine), bullets and stabbings (both mine), and a bunch of solved cases surely gave me some gravitas in the agency? Didn’t it? Then again, I hadn’t racked up as many cases as the other guys, who were all seasoned law enforcement professionals of some description or other. Except Lucas. He was a seasoned criminal-turned-good-guy that Solomon employed for his amazing computer skills.
    In contrast, I fell into the job after literally falling over a former boss’s body and getting sucked into his murder investigation. After the murderer was caught, Solomon offered me the best job I’ve ever had. “What if they notice the extra visits and conclude that we’re having a relationship? I thought we were keeping this, us, secret until we were ready…” I trailed off, waiting for Solomon to get the hint and confirm our status as a couple. Somehow, asking outright seemed feeble, desperate even. I was neither. I could run in high heels, fight drug smugglers, and take on international fraudsters. That all took guts and perseverance.
    “We are getting it on, and maybe I’m checking on my newest, least experienced recruit in a dangerous case. Or, maybe I just like seeing you a lot more than I like seeing them.”
    That really wasn’t what I had in mind. “Bet you don’t want to sleep with them either.”
    “Technically, I don’t want to sleep with you.”
    I pretended to fan myself. “Whatever do you want with me, John?” Solomon smiled and my stomach did an Olympic-quality flip and dive, forgetting all about my relationship status woes. “Ohh! I

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