We Are the Children of the Stars

We Are the Children of the Stars by Otto O. Binder Page B

Book: We Are the Children of the Stars by Otto O. Binder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Otto O. Binder
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of man appears on the scene – Neanderthal man.” 8
    An entirely different type of man! Is that part of the smooth, uninterrupted process of Evolution in which species gradually change in many transitions, with each step traced in fossils?
    Borrowing a physics term, it is a quantum jump of a whole magnitude, from one species of early Man to one totally different and far more advanced.
    It almost seems unnecessary to point out that such an abrupt leap forward in subhuman species is not only covered by the Hybrid Man theory but is essential to it. It almost shouts aloud that some outside factor manipulated the development of the human species, not in slow steps by natural selection but in giant steps, by means of “unnatural selection” or planned hybridization techniques.
    From the evolutionary viewpoint, 200,000 years are unaccounted for. But, in the Hybrid Man theory, these are 2 years in which the starmen found the way to create Neanderthal Man from the basic stock of Homo erectus.
    Of course, the anthropologists and evolutionists will always say confidently (or in wishful thinking?) that more and more digging in the ground will eventually reveal the “missing” fossils thatwill fill this gap and also will fill the 12-million-year gap between the earliest and latest Hominids.
    In fact, Richard E. Leakey, following in his great father's footsteps, has recently announced new fossil-finds at Lake Rudolph in northern Kenya, including “what is almost certainly the oldest complete skull of early Man.” 9
    He means a species of genus homo , not a Hominid of the Australopithecine type. This would antedate Homo erectus by far and put true Man's ancestry, back to 2.5 million years ago. However, these finds are too new yet to be fully evaluated and accepted, and Leakey's opinion must be called tentative. He first of all makes the startling suggestion that the Homo genus was contemporary with the Australopithecines, and that they both came from a common ancestral line (another unfound missing link), from which Homo broke off about 4 million years ago. This is highly speculative, it must be said, and will have to await much more close study by others than Leakey himself.
    Obviously, Leakey is striving to fill that 12-million-year gap between the early and late Hominids, and he puts his faith in further fossil finds to bridge the chasm. But this easy way out of thinking more fossils will conveniently be found – is sternly denied by Ernst Mayr of Harvard, leading authority in evolutionary matters. 10 He refers to the Sewall Wright Effect which postulates that missing fossils are those of a species of such low population, or of such short duration in the geological scale, that there was little chance of a highly accidental event like fossilizing to occur. In short, an extinct species of numerous members existing for millions of years will, by the law of averages, leave a few of its fossilized skeletal parts around, whereas species of low numbers and brief tenure may leave none.
    It sounds very logical – except for the fact that fossils of the second type have been found many times, notably Steinheim and Swanscombe Man. The rarity of the species is no guide to whether it will show up or not. And the finds of the bone-digging anthropologists cannot depend purely on geographical luck. They most often dig in the most likely places for any particular type offossil, hence putting the odds strongly in favor of finding even the rarer species.
    At any rate, Mayr chided his fellow evolutionists on this score, saying that bringing up the Sewall Wright Effect as an “explanation” for gaps in the fossil record is very “farfetched” – a “cover-up” that may soothe the mind of the harassed anthropologist with the thought of missing fossils, but hardly scientific when it is a wholly “manufactured” excuse.
    True, new finds like those of Leakey in Tanzania are great “bonanzas” that help fill the fossil gap for recent

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