Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)

Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) by Michelle Day Page A

Book: Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) by Michelle Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Day
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ability to take the piss out of yo urself . ”
    “That is one of my many talents , ” he agreed, he glanced up as Quinn passed by on Angel’s other side, she
hadn’t seen him and Gavin wasn’t about to point him out.
    “Well, I’ve got Maths so this is my stop , I’ll meet you at work later?” S he asked.
    “Y eah, my shift ends at six . ”
    Quinn was sweetness and light on the way home, he even stopped to pick up
the Chinese take away that Angel had mentioned she fancied earlier in the day.
    “How was your tennis match?” Angel asked as she busied herself putting
the empty cartons in the bin.
    “Good. I won of course” Quinn gloated . “What di d you get up to at lunchtime?” H e asked.
    “I finished some outstanding pieces of art then Kiera and I went to watch
the auditions in the auditorium , ” she said
coming to sit next to him .
    “You went with Kiera?” H e questioned.
    “Yes, didn’t I just say that?”
    “You did. If you went with Kiera, how come I saw you coming out of there
with Gavin?”
    Angel sighed; she knew where this was going. Quinn had been complaining
all week about her spending time with Gavin.
    “He was auditioning, Kiera left early so he walked me to my Maths lesson , ” she explained.
    “You walked right by me and completely ignored me , ” he told her.
    “I’m sorry, I obviously didn’t see you , ” she apologised.
    “If you hadn’t been gazing into his eyes you
might have realised I was there . ”
    “I wasn’t gazing into his eyes , ” she protested.
    “Yes you were, you were laughing and playing with your hair the way you
do when you fancy someone , ” he accused.
    “It’s not a crime to have a laugh with a fr iend . ”
    “Oh, he’s a friend now is he? Is that why you’ve been spending all your
time with him instead of me? Quinn demanded.
    “You know full well he’s tutoring me . ”
    “In what exactly? Doing practical Biology I bet . ”
    “It’s your fault I’m spending so much time with
him, so why don’t you just drop it?”
    “How the hell is it my fault?”
    “You just had to go and taunt him about the things I told you in
confidence. If you had kept your big mouth shut he wouldn’t have gone for you
and his punishment wouldn’t be tutoring me . ”
    “Don’t be so ridiculous , ” Quinn bristled
“Even if you are right, which you aren’t, you are having far too much fun with
this tutoring business for it to be completely above board and you enjoy his
company far too much . ”
    “You ’ r e just jealous because he ’s more popular than you are and the general consensus
throughout the college is that he’s a stand up guy who’s fitter, better looking
and wealthier than you are . Y ou only dislike him because he won’t bow
down and be one of your yes men, you need to get over
yourself , ” she shouted.
    “See, you defend him way too easily, why don’t you just admit that you
like him?”
    “So what if I do? I’m with you, I wouldn’t do anything with him while I’m
dating you , ” she lied,
remembering the kiss .
    “I don’t believe you. I d on’t want you anywhere
near him . ”
    “You don’t own me, I will be friends with who I like, you don’t get a say
in that , ”
    “He’s turning you into a bad tempered little slut; you’ve probably
already let him have you when you’ve been refusing me . ”
    Angel jumped up from her seat . “You are unbelievable, go fuck yourself
Quinn , ” she whirled away and stormed out of
the house.
    She had been walking at a vast rate of knots for fifteen minutes , when she realised that not only had
Quinn not bothered to come after her , but s he also had an almost three mile uphill
walk home in most unsuitable shoes.
    “Shit , ” she murmured
to herself. She stopped walking to rummage in her bag, making sure her credit
card was in her purse, once she had established that it was there, she took a
lef t turn onto the main road and headed for the
nearest off

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