Watched by Warlocks

Watched by Warlocks by Hannah Heat Page A

Book: Watched by Warlocks by Hannah Heat Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah Heat
Tags: Erótica
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the shadow of a doubt, could she have gone back in time, she would be the most popular girl in school.
    She thought about the events that had transpired the night before. She was in love and would do anything to get Theo back into her life. But didn't even know where to start, as there was not a magical bone in her body. Thinking about the story Theo told her the night before, it seemed reasonable that he was in the Forbidden Forest and that she, too, could become a witch if it meant saving him. It was a dangerous idea, because if Theo's experience with the Forest was any prediction of what Elsa would endure, there would be no point to seeking him out there, as any love she had for him would without a doubt disintegrate into nothing. And then where would she be? She looked out the window of the tavern at the same kids playing before. Their frosted little noses and red cheeks made them look plastic, like lovely dolls, animated by the power of each other's affection for each other. Their innocence was so endearing, and Elsa's heart sank at the image, because it reminded her of Theo's story. She tried to imagine the beautiful little boy he was and his equally adorable, if not wild, brother Dorien. Their tragic fate caused them unredeemable grief, with no hope of ever experiencing the joys of growing up together, getting married, having kids, taking care of their aging parents, as Elsa was sure their former selves would undoubtedly do. She realized both brothers must have carried the pain of lost dreams day after miserable day; perhaps, she figured for a split second, the heavy guilt that compounded any hope of their redemption was an illusory perception rather than reality. But then she dismissed the thought entirely.
    Stooped in her reverie, she could still tell the other girls at work could sense something was wrong with Elsa, given her haggard appearance and swollen eyes from crying all night, and one woman in particular continued to make concerned glances in her direction. Elsa tried unsuccessfully to fold the napkins into the holster.
    “Do you need some help darlin'?” a voice called to her from behind, a position Elsa by this point in her life associated with earth-shattering changes and adversity. Elsa took a deep breath and, once again, turned around to face yet another person.
    “What do you want Mitch? Am I not doing the job to your liking?”
    “No baby I just could tell you were struggling a little bit.”
    “I don't need this shit, Mitch! I've got too much going on. Damn.”
    “Baby is everything okay with you? You've been acting a little funny ever since you can in tonight.”
    “Frankly that isn't any of your damn business,” Elsa said.
    Mitch's face flushed hot with rage, his short temper rearing its head. “Listen here you little bitch, if you don't get your act together, I'll fire you. Then you can find another job for your fat ass that makes this much money in another town, because you know you don't have any other options in this one.”
    Elsa's heart sank; she knew Mitch was right. But she didn't have the energy to bite her tongue, given the fact that she most probably lost her only true love and the hottest warlock who'd ever lived. She opened her mouth to bite back, but someone interjected.
    “Madam you don't need to talk to your co-workers like that.” Elsa turned around to meet Freja Stein, a petite built woman with beady blue eyes. The hot pink lipstick rubbed over her thin lips and helmet shaped hairdo gave her an air of craziness, wildness, and abandon. But she continued to defend Elsa.
    “Bitch don't talk to me like that,” Mitch said to the woman. “Who the hell are you anyway?”
    “I'm Freja Stein, and I'm not going to let you talk to my friend that way.” Freja stumbled her words a bit, cutting away her glance from Mitch, and for a second Elsa thought she saw a glimmer of fear from Freja. She knew Mitch had a furious temper, and

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