Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch

Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch by Cheryl Dragon Page B

Book: Warrior's Craft Four Guys & A Witch by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
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been studying magic all my life. Sure, I couldn’t get schooled in sex magic until my teens, but understanding the power of it is important. The energy shared during sex and the power of focusing it is an option.” She fingered the amber pendant hanging inches above her cleavage.
    For a second DC was lost in the amber and the creamy skin of Phoebe’s throat but shook it off. “I know it’s an option, but we’d all have to participate and it’s dangerous. Spells can go wrong. They can have unintended consequences.”
    “I teach Wicca 101. I don’t need the lesson.” She grabbed her bag and stood. “If you’re not comfortable with this, I don’t have more options. I can ask some of the stronger witches for advice.”
    “No, wait. Stay. I need to talk this option out. These demons are targeting women, and they got a taste of me. I won’t be the weak link. Sex magic isn’t something I’ve tried but I want your opinion.” DC stood in the doorway.
    Phoebe couldn’t leave. They needed her. Endangering her was not an option, but DC was already crazy about her. If it was just him, he’d have made a move by now, but everything about the life he’d chosen was complicated.
    She sat and shrugged. “Fine. Sex magic is powerful and pleasurable. Everyone has to be willing and open to it. Think of it like a protection circle if you tried to contact a spirit or go into a haunted house to flush out a problem ghost. You share the energy and contact. But if someone falters, you’re all vulnerable. I don’t know if this is the best way.”
    “All four of us are committed. We’d need you. It won’t work without a woman and a witch at the center.” DC went to his computer and searched on it to get some details.
    “Pagans celebrate the female as the path to life. That would be the focus and core of the act. This might be a problem for Andy and Jude.” She pulled a notepad out of her bag and began scribbling notes.
    “No, it won’t. But it could bring out stuff with all of us.” DC knew those guys wanted Phoebe every bit as much as he or Reed. Sharing her was a fantasy, but making it real for a spell could spark competition and raise issues.
    Phoebe smiled. “Well, men sharing the sex act is natural for some. Sharing a woman is a challenge, but there are a lot of things that will play into this. You four have to be totally open with each other. Little petty jealousies or resentments can manifest badly.”
    “We have to clear the air.” DC nodded.
    “If not, it could backfire. Obviously you four share a lot already, so maybe it’s nothing? I don’t know.” She shook her head.
    Jude and Andy trampled through the house like a herd of buffalo. DC shook off the depression. When he was alone with Phoebe, he had to keep his distance.
    “Don’t know what?” Andy grabbed the map and sat next to Phoebe.
    Phoebe blushed. “It’s not a good option yet. We need to talk about it more.”
    “Talk fast. These demons aren’t waiting until we figure out how to win. Vampires and shifters we’ve got under control, but this is messy.” Jude sat on the other side of Phoebe and slid his chair close.
    “There will always be something else bigger, badder, and stronger than us. We’ll figure something out.” DC found sites on magical sex. The idea made him think about Phoebe and everyone naked together. He had put this at the bottom of his list because he wanted it -- and not just for the power it might grant them. “How could we focus on a spell while doing that ?”
    Phoebe covered her mouth and cleared her throat.
    DC kicked the table leg. He didn’t think he’d said it out loud, but Andy and Jude would jump all over it if they figured it out. “Never mind.”
    “Doing what?” Andy looked at Jude and then over at DC.
    They’d done stuff like that before, without the magic and without Reed. Sharing women and sexual explorations was one thing. Add the spin of spells and the unknown factor of Reed in that mix and it was

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