Warrior Prince

Warrior Prince by Emma Raveling Page B

Book: Warrior Prince by Emma Raveling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Raveling
it was about reaching again for something from that past.
    An ideal that existed before I became the Warrior Prince. Something I once had but then lost.
    I met her gaze, fully aware that it would be for the last time.
    This was my promise to her and to her mate, a friend I never had a chance to say goodbye to.
    This was what life in our world meant.
    "You have my word."


    Pounding music, noisy human conversation, and the acute smells of sweat and hot electrical equipment assaulted my senses.
    I leaned against a wall papered with torn flyers and wondered for the hundredth time that night what I was doing.
    I'd waited almost a year to fulfill my promise to Naida. A time in which the memory of the ondine crouched behind a hydrangea bush had arisen at unexpected moments, bringing with it flashes of worry.
    When I arrived in San Aurelio this morning, I'd intended to bring her immediately back to the safety of Haverleau. But I couldn't bring myself to do it and had instead watched from a distance.
    She spent most of her time alone and there'd been numerous opportunities to approach.
    Early in the morning when she left for school.
    In the afternoon when she went for a long run on the streets of the city.
    Even when she snuck out of her bedroom window to come to this ratty club.
    I sighed and once again examined the aura that flared to life at midnight. The white light shimmered around her in a halo, brighter and bigger than anything I'd ever seen. She now shone in the darkness of the club, like a dancer on stage under a spotlight.
    She'd officially come of age two hours ago and yet I continued to stand in this headache-inducing setting, trying to put off the inevitable.
    I ran a hand through my hair in irritation. What was wrong with me? I had a job to do and considering what a high priority she was, the sooner I did it, the better.
    But as I continued to watch her, I couldn't help remembering Naida's expression.
    I wanted to give her daughter a little more time to enjoy her birthday.
    Just a few more minutes.
    Then I'd approach and try to explain everything.
    "Hey, gorgeous." A human female dressed in tight leather sauntered over. Red and purple strands streaked through straight, blonde hair. Invitation gleamed in her eyes. "You here alone?"
    "Sorry," I said tersely and moved away. "Not interested."
    I ignored the unflattering word she muttered under her breath and slowly wound through the mass of writing bodies.
    My eyes never left her and a part of me had to admit it wasn't hard to do.
    Athletic body danced through the stifling crowd, her movements guided by a natural instinct. There was a wild gracefulness to her energy, an intriguing blend of confidence and agile strength. Toned muscles shifted under smooth skin as she extended her arms above her head.
    A black lacy tank top clung to her lean torso and emphasized the curve of her hips as they swung to the pulse of music. Even through the thick, heated air, I caught the faint scent of jasmine, white rose, and lavender.
    Her beauty was as startling as a wildflower in an urban concrete jungle. It exploded around her, a vibrant, fiery wash of color amid a world of grey. A life straining to be free.
    Human males reacted, following her with their eyes and inching their way closer to her.
    The first few times, I'd tensed, ready to deal with any possible threat from an overeager idiot. But she handled them with ease.
    Rhian informed me her granddaughter was an Empath and she obviously used the magic to her advantage. Her aura brightened and dimmed each time she employed it.
    Cool wariness defined the way she scanned the surroundings. She maintained a distance, even as she flirted or engaged with others.
    It was the kind of guardedness that came when you knew what people hid behind the faces they presented.
    The steel doors of the club opened and a crowd of students entered. Two men separated from the group and observed the dance floor.
    Their eyes immediately shot to her and I

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