Warrior Blind
we may heal the wounded, and comfort the sick. And when the time comes, console the grieved. Remember them, these warriors who would fight to defend and protect us. And warriors, remember the healers who would die to save you, for the sacrifices of us all are what determine the real prevailers in war. The sacrifices of good souls will be what leads us through the coming days.”
    She bowed her head as the crowd roared at her words. Koios wrapped his fingers around her left hand. His hand felt so different from Thadd’s. When had her brother grabbed her right? She gently pulled her fingers free of the two men. Then stepped off the rock herself.
    No more would she be the protected and the coddled. No more.
    She addressed the crowd again. “There is housing available to all in the city. At this point I do not know the condition of these houses, but no matter what we have to do. Or what supplies we have to have brought in from our home worlds, we will build this city up to what it needs to be. We will do what we must. And I ask that you do it quickly. Thank you, and may the deities above or wherever they be now, be they with us and this new city of Dekimos.”

Chapter 25
    HE didn’t have to like it, but he knew he couldn’t stop her from being one of the first in the city. But he would have at least liked a few more hours to explore the city for hidden dangers. But once she decided to take leadership of her people, his female hadn’t stopped.
    She directed his top warriors— his warriors—to take her to the place where she would be staying.
    Koios found himself almost meekly walking behind her. He had already explored the large hall that would be their home, and while it was far less modern than his home in Lothicano, it would do in this new world. The same orange brick that characterized the rest of the city made up what he suspected was once the palatial home of the ancients. There was an especially spacious apartment area on the second level that had a bathing hall—with plumbing that could most likely be salvaged by someone with skill in that area.
    This world was obviously an odd blend of modern and archaic, and was as different from the rest of the nineteen worlds as any other. He understood it—each world developed differently from the others after forming.
    The hall had several office areas, plus many large caverns that could be used for the efficient running of the city. That would most likely fall to him while Bronwen was busy with her healers.
    And why not? He had been running an entire kingdom with only his brother for one thousand years. He had the skills and training to make this place grand again.
    “The ruling suite is this way.” He wrapped his fingers around her shoulder and guided her in the direction he wanted. He waved his other hand down the opposite way. “There are other family suites in that direction. I am sure you all can find a place to suit your needs.”
    She tried to pull away from him. He tightened his grip. “You and I, gamata , are going this way.”
    Her brother put out a hand. Koios glared at him. The healer glared back.
    “If Bronwen wants to be away from you, demon, she can. It is her choice.”
    “She is to lead these people, as am I. That must be done from the king and queen’s suite, shouldn’t it? Do not interfere, Dardaptoan.”
    He did not want to argue with this male, not for the right to have his gamata with him. But he would.
    No one would separate them in this strange land.
    “Thadd, it’s best not to argue with him.” There was a resignation in her words that he hadn’t expected. He frowned. He didn’t want her just giving in, did he?
    No, he didn’t. He wanted her with him because that was her choice, didn’t he?
    “Ah, go with him, Bronie,” the Laquazzeana Phaenna giggled. “He looks rather delicious today. I say go with him and enjoy yourself while you’re both still alive to do something about it.”
    Embarrassment hit him for the first time

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