War of Dragons

War of Dragons by Andy Holland Page A

Book: War of Dragons by Andy Holland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andy Holland
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interesting. There's not a place like it in the world, where you have so much diversity in one spot."
    Leah raised her eyes to the sky, shaking her head dismissively. "Probably the most run down and dirty part of the city as well. I always feel as if I need a bath when I leave this place."
    Crystal frowned, looking around at the crowds bustling around them, full of numerous different races all mixed together. Wouldn't they be offended if they heard Leah's words? Admittedly, she had spoken quietly, but unfortunately Jenna didn't share her caution. 
    "It is a little smelly, isn't it? Do these savages even wash?" Jenna commented loudly, oblivious to the angry glares she received from a group of men standing outside of a shop. The men had dark, purple skin with short black hair and seemed to take offense at her comment, glaring at her menacingly.
    Mark shrugged, not appearing to notice the men. "It's a little more crowded than most places, and I guess that makes it a little messier. Just adds to the character if you ask me. Anyway, moving on. This is the main street through the quarter, and it's the place where all of the different races meet. The Sanctuary is divided into areas for each race, areas we refer to as the villages, and generally, each race stays in its own village and doesn't visit the other villages. But this street is different, and along this street and its numerous side alleys, all the races mix. It's truly the most amazing place in the city."
    "You work here, don't you?" Daisy asked. "For the Department of Refuge? That's what John told me."
    "That's right, I do," Mark replied proudly. "Most of my work is done on this street."
    "Stopping them killing each other, I imagine," Leah commented drily.
    "We have to help keep the peace occasionally," Mark agreed, "but that's just a small part of our work. But we're not here to discuss my job, but the Sanctuary itself and the people who live in it. Ah, perfect, an interesting example for you. Look over there above that building—quickly now."
    Crystal was the first to spot the tiny dragon flying low over the city; a black and white dragon that disappeared into one of the buildings.
    "Wow, how sweet!" she declared. "What is it?"
    "Perhaps it would best not to use the word sweet," Mark said quietly. "They tend to get a bit offended. That's a Magpie Dragon. They're one of the smallest dragons you'll see around here."
    "No surprise that they were wiped out then," Seth commented. "I'm guessing they don't do well in battle."
    Mark nodded. "Well, it's true that their size puts them at a disadvantage. But they do have something no other dragons do: poison, and you'd be surprised how effective a weapon it can be."
    "They'd have to be able to bite you first though," Jenna pointed out. "One swipe of my claws and that thing would be squished."
    "Oh, they don't need to bite you," Mark replied. "They can produce a little cloud of gas. One breath of that and you'd pass out. Imagine how that would work out for you if you were flying."
    "Charming," Leah commented. "What lovely company you keep here."
    "They're actually very pleasant," Mark replied. "I have a number of friends within their community. I'm just explaining what they are capable of. Oh, and Seth, they weren't wiped out. They're from the deep south, near the Empty Quarter and as far as we know they haven't lost any wars. Their story is an intriguing one—one I'd love to tell you all some time."
    "Can you change into one of them?" Seth asked.
    Mark shook his head. "One of only two dragons we can't turn into. They're not a fire-breathing dragon, so we can't take their form. Come on, I'll introduce you to some more of my friends. Follow me."
    Mark led them down a narrow street in single file, till they reached a large stone building with small windows and a dark wooden door. Mark rapped twice on the door. The door opened but they couldn't see anyone at first.
    "Mark, good to see you!" a voice called out from the dark interior of

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