Want You Dead
cap until it almost totally obscured his vision, then grabbed the tools he thought he might need from the rear of his van. With their stupid clothes, and all their luggage, that couple were going away for a while for sure. He had all the time in the world.
    With a single blow of his hammer he smashed the side window of the BMW, reached inside and yanked the door handle. The alarm parppp-parppped. He ducked inside, yanked the bonnet release handle, raised the bonnet and rapidly cut the alarm wires, silencing it. Then he looked around, warily, his nerves jangling. But no security guard came running. Apart from an empty bus making its rounds like a forlorn robot searching for a soulmate, the car park was deserted.
    He clamped a protective locking disc, which he had stolen from a fire engine’s equipment at the airport, over the BMW’s steering wheel. It was designed for firefighters to cut people out of crashed cars when the airbag had not deployed to prevent it doing so accidentally. Then he ducked under the wheel, and with his blade cut away the protective outer shield of the airbag. Next, being careful to avoid the trigger sensors, he sliced into the airbag itself, and allowed the salt-white sodium azide crystals to fall into the plastic beaker he had taken from a filling station on the way here.
    Sodium azide was one of the most toxic chemicals in the world. It was far more rapid acting than cyanide and, unlike cyanide, where the poison could be neutralized with amyl nitrate, there was no antidote. It was tasteless, and would bond with the haemoglobin in the blood causing death within minutes. And it had the bonus of being virtually undetectable, unless you were specifically looking for it.
    He wasn’t sure he would need it, but it gave him another option. You could never have enough options!
    Oh baby, oh Red, you should never have driven me to this, really you shouldn’t!
    I’d hate to think of you swallowing sodium azide. Really I would. But I guess, if the truth be known, I would prefer that to seeing you screw Dr Karl Murphy.
    But sodium azide. It’s not a nice death. Not nice at all.
    Mercifully quick, that’s the upside.
    But after what you did to me, would I really want it to be quick?
    If you want to know the truth, Red, I would really like to see you suffer. To hear you scream out how much you love me. How desperately badly you want me back. That you would do anything to get me back.
    That you would swallow sodium azide, if that’s what it took.
    Then I could look into your eyes and say to you, ‘Sorry, Red. There is no antidote. If you’d stayed with me, you would be looking forward to a whole long future. Kids. Grandchildren. Family Christmases. Happy old age. All that stuff.
    Now all you have is less than a minute.
    Moments to contemplate your regrets.
    Moments to think about how sorry you are.
    Moments to think how good it could all have been for you and me.
    People often say that’s how it goes in life. Shit happens. But you know, that’s a cop-out. You know what the reality is? Shit falls from its own weight.
    Think about that.
    He flipped back through the early texts from Red on his phone. Stopped at one.
    God, I so love what you do to me ))) I’m so full of sweetness and love when I think of you, and I like that! Actually I LOVE that! These feelings are awesome. Wish you were here right now, holding me naked in your arms and deep inside me.
    Shielding the cup against the falling rain, he hurried back to his van, and eased himself back into the driving seat, put the cup into a plastic bag, and carefully knotted the top, sealing it.
    Sodium azide would kill someone, agonizingly, within sixty seconds. It was only found in older car airbags, and when they deployed in collisions, the other chemicals in there neutralized it.
    By the time the ugly couple returned from their holiday, and found their BMW had been broken into and the airbag tampered with, he would be long gone.
    And maybe the sodium azide

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