Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
    until 1944, the year before the end of World War II.19
    1In 1935, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. owned stock valued at $245 million in Stan http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/chapter_04.htm (7 of 8) [8/4/2001 9:44:14 PM]
    CHAPTER FOUR: Standard Oil Fuels World War II
    dard Oil of New Jersey, Standard Oil of California, and Socony-Vacuun Company, New York Times, January 10, 1935.
    2 Elimination of German Resources, op cit., p. 1085.
    4 NMT, I.G. Farben case, p. 1304.
    5 New York Times, April 28, 1929.
    7Ibid, November 24, 1929.
    8 NMT, I.G. Farben case, Volumes VII and VIII, pp. 1304-1311, 9See letter from U.S. War Department reproduced as Appendix D.
    10United States Congress. Senate. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Military Affairs. Scientific and Technical Mobilization, (78th Congress, 1st session, S. 702), Part 16, (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1944), p. 939. Hereafter cited as Scientific and Technical Mobilization.
    12 Oil and Petroleum Yearbook, 1938, p. 89.
    13 New York Times, October 19, 1945, p. 9.
    14George W. Stocking & Myron W. Watkins, Cartels in Action, (New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1946), p. 9.
    15For original documents see NMT, I.G. Farben case, Volume VIII, pp.
    16 NMT, I.G. Farben case, Volume VIII, p. 1264-5.
    17 Scientific and Technical Mobilization, p. 543.
    18Robert Engler, The Politics of Oil, (New York: The MacMillan Company, 1961), p. 102.
    19See Chapter Nine for details.


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    CHAPTER FIVE: I.T.T. Works Both Sides of the War

    I.T.T. Works Both Sides of the War
    Thus while I.T.T. Focke-Wolfe planes were bombing Allied ships, and I. T. T.
    lines were passing information to German submarines, I.T.T. direction .finders were saving other ships from torpedoes. (Anthony Sampson, The Sovereign State of I.T.T., New York: Stein & Day, 1973, p. 40.)
    The multi-national giant International Telephone and Telegraph (I.T.T.)1 was founded in
    1920 by Virgin Islands-born entrepreneur Sosthenes Behn. During his lifetime Behn was the epitome of the politicized businessman, earning his profits and building the I.T.T. empire through political maneuverings rather than in the competitive market place. In 1923, through political adroitness, Behn acquired the Spanish telephone monopoly, Compania Telefonica de Espana. In 1924 I.T.T., now backed by the J.P. Morgan firm, bought what later became the International Standard Electric group of manufacturing plants around the world.
    The parent board of I.T.T. reflected the J.P. Morgan interests, with Morgan partners Arthur M. Anderson and Russell Leffingwell. The Establishment law firm of Davis, Polk, Wardwell, Gardiner & Reed was represented by the two junior partners, Gardiner & Reed.
    DIRECTORS OF I.T.T. IN 1933:
    Affiliation with other
    Wall Street firms:
    Arthur M. ANDERSON
    Partner, J.P. MORGAN and
    New York Trust Company
    Hernand BEHN
    Bank of America
    Sosthenes BEHN
    F. Wilder BELLAMY
    Partner in Dominick &
    John W. CUTLER
    Lee Higginson
    George H. GARDINER
    Partner in Davis, Polk,
    Wardwell, Gardiner & Reed
    Allen G. HOYT
    Russell C. LEFFINGWELL
    Partner J.P. MORGAN and
    Bradley W. PALMER
    Chairman, Executive
    Committee, UNITED FRUIT
    Lansing P. REED
    Partner in Davis, Polk,
    Wardwell, Gardiner & Reed
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    CHAPTER FIVE: I.T.T. Works Both Sides of the War

    The National City Bank (NCB) in the Morgan group was represented by two directors, Sosthenes Behn and Allen G. Hoyt. In brief, I.T.T. was a Morgan-controlled company; and we have previously noted the interest of Morgan-controlled companies in war and revolution abroad and political maneuvering in the United

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