Walk with Me (BookStrand Publishing Mainstream)

Walk with Me (BookStrand Publishing Mainstream) by Kaitlyn Stone Page A

Book: Walk with Me (BookStrand Publishing Mainstream) by Kaitlyn Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlyn Stone
Tags: Romance
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are radiant in comparison to the blackness of the skyline. The vegetation is changing from the coastline chaparral to more arid, desert-like shrubs mixed with an occasional pine. We are in a transitional range moving faster to the higher peaked mountains and thick forests, like the transition of our relationship, moving quickly forward. I touch the window, testing the outside air. The glass is cold to my touch, marking the change in atmosphere and temperature.
    “Now your turn,” Donovan says. “Tell me more about your family.”
    Now I’m starting to panic. My life story isn’t as romantic or charming as his, and I’m a little embarrassed because of my mom’s choices for us. Part of me wants to reveal myself to Donovan, but I don’t want to overwhelm or scare him, either.
    “Um,” I start. “My mom and stepdad have been together for fourteen years now and married for twelve of those fourteen. I never met my bio dad. My mom and bio dad were never married and she ran off to California when they broke up and I was just a baby. He wasn’t interested in getting married and raising a family.” Those facts are safe to reveal. I refuse to put a damper on our trip with my sob story.
    I peek at Donovan’s reaction to my words, his expression unchanged, and I continue on. “When my mom came out here she was on her own as a single mom, but my uncle helped her get settled. My uncle is the one who actually introduced my mom to my stepdad and after a couple years of dating they got married. I never really got along with my stepdad, he’s kind of an asshole, and I was ready to move out once it came time for me to go to college.” Hiding the truth about my selfish, controlling mom is easy, but my mouth can’t form kind words for Richard.
    “What about your mom? What is she like? What does she look like?”
    I managed to skate through the story of my stepdad, but now he wants details of my mom. I’ll keep this brief with my standard answer. “I’m nothing like my mom. She’s only five two with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is very flirty and enjoys all the trappings that her privileged life has to offer.” Enough detail, but still vague.
    “I’d like to meet them. What are their names again?”
    I blanch at his request. How do I explain to this man with a perfect family that I don’t talk to my parents and don’t plan to start anytime soon? Just keep it vague. “Their names are Richard and Myra Tinning. I have my mom’s maiden name, Sloane.”
    “I like Sloane better, it suits you. Kenna Sloane. I think we should be in Mammoth by dinnertime. There’s a well-known Mexican restaurant in town. We can stop off for dinner before we settle into the condo for the night—in separate rooms,” he says, teasing me.

Chapter 9
    The temperature in the restaurant is warm and I’ve peeled off my many layers to get comfortable. Now, standing at the exit, I need to put all those damn layers back on to walk out to the car.
    “Are you ready, because I have a treat for you,” Donovan says, touching my elbow.
    A treat? I’m excited. What could it be?
    He leads me outside and…snow is falling. The cold air bites at my nose and cheeks and the snow sounds like light pitter-patter on my borrowed parka from Danielle. I hold my hands out to catch some snowflakes, but as soon as they touch my skin they melt. I turn to Donovan with a huge smile. “It’s snowing.”
    “Yep. I ordered it up special—just for you.” He smiles at me, wrapping his left arm around my waist. “Tilt your head back and try to catch some in your mouth.” He demonstrates for me.
    With the support of his arm, I lean back, open my mouth and stick my tongue out, but I manage to get flakes all over my face and nothing in my mouth. The snow tickles my nose and eyelashes. I stand upright. “I can’t get any.” I pout.
    “I’ve got some. Let me share mine with you.” Donovan draws me in for a kiss, stroking my tongue with his. Yum, he tastes of chips

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