Wait for the Rain

Wait for the Rain by Maria Murnane Page B

Book: Wait for the Rain by Maria Murnane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Murnane
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“Trust me, there’s no rivalry there, at least where the family business is concerned. Josh would never want to work for his dad, much less have an office job of any kind.”
    “Not his vibe?” Skylar asked.
    KC shook her head. “Far from it. He’s only a sophomore, so we’ll see how it pans out, but as of now he’s planning to do Teach for America for a couple years. And after that, who knows? But I doubt commercial real estate is in his future. He’s too much of a free spirit for an office job. I love that about him. Personally, I think he’d make a great elementary schoolteacher because he has such a gentle way about him.”
    “I could say the same about you,” Daphne said to her.
    KC smiled at Daphne and used her fingers to make a heart.
    “I would be a horrible teacher,” Skylar said. “I don’t have the patience for it.”
    “Your dream of making enough money to hire a traveling hairstylist would be out the window on a teacher’s salary, that’s for sure,” Daphne said.
    Skylar held her glass in the air. “An excellent point. Yet another reason why I could never be a teacher.”
    “So to finish up on your original question: Max is great, Josh and Jared are thriving, there are no complaints, all is good on the home front.” KC clinked her glass against Skylar’s.
    “You really love those boys, don’t you,” Daphne said to KC. It wasn’t a question. The glow she saw in KC’s eyes when she talked about her stepsons was how Daphne felt when she thought about Emma. A love so unconditional and pure, it was overwhelming at times. Emma was nearly old enough to drive now, but sometimes when Daphne looked at her, she still saw the miracle baby she’d carried home so gingerly from the hospital, and in those moments it took every ounce of Daphne’s willpower not to smother her daughter with kisses, be it in the middle of a piano recital or volleyball match—or God forbid in front of other kids at school. She’d learned her lesson about that.
    KC’s face lit up. “You have no idea. Biggest surprise of my life.”
    “I’m glad you found Max,” Skylar said. “I remember you used to say you would never get married and have a family, but I always felt that you would make a great mom. You’re such a positive role model.”
    “I certainly didn’t expect to become a stepmom of two teenage boys at age thirty-five, but it turned out to be one of the best things I ever did. Life can really sneak up on you, you know?”
    Daphne felt a pang in her gut. It sure can.
    “So speaking of kids, tell us about how Emma’s doing,” KC said to Daphne. “Is she in high school now?”
    Daphne nodded. “She’s a sophomore, which I still can’t believe. She’s getting her driver’s license soon.”
    “Wow, I remember during our last birthday trip, you were telling us how you’d cried when you’d dropped her off at kindergarten,” KC said. “Soon you’ll be dropping her off at college.”
    “Oh gosh, don’t remind me.”
    “Is she dating?” Skylar asked.
    Daphne shook her head. “Not yet. Not ever, I hope.” Not that I know of. I bet Alyssa knows. Stop thinking about Alyssa!
    “Do you have a recent picture?” KC asked.
    Daphne reached for her purse. “I have millions.” She pulled out her phone and scrolled through the photos, then handed the phone to KC. “Here’s one from her volleyball tournament last month.”
    KC smiled at the phone, then handed it to Skylar. “Look at that adorable face. Where did all those freckles come from? She looks more like my daughter than yours.”
    Daphne touched her own cheeks, then looked at her arms. “Brian and I have no idea. I have like ten freckles on my entire body, and he has even less.”
    Skylar studied the photo, then handed the phone back to Daphne. “She’s still in that awkward gangly stage, but it’s pretty clear she’s going to be a swan once she emerges on the other side. Prepare yourself.”
    Daphne held the phone against her heart.

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