Vision of Shadows

Vision of Shadows by Vincent Morrone Page B

Book: Vision of Shadows by Vincent Morrone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vincent Morrone
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cousin Payne. That’s one hell of an afternoon, Bristol. I’d love to hear how that happened.”
    “Nothing to tell, really,” I said. “We we’re just talking , and we found him. I feel really bad for Payne and his family.”
    “Me too,” Grandpa said. “Got nothing but sympathy for the McKnights. The whole bunch of ‘em.”
    “Why do I feel he’s not being completely truthful about that, darling?” Someone else said. Jay materialized next to Grandpa. He sent me that killer grin that gave me goose bumps.
    “I can’t believe,” Grandpa went on, completely unaware of Jay’s ghostly presence, “that the two of you were just walking along together and happened across Jared McKnight’s body. People have been looking for him for years. It’s quite an accomplishment.” He gave me that cornered mouse look again.
    “Well,” I said. “There was a dog involved.”
    “Uh -huh.” Grandpa arched an eyebrow. “A dog?”
    I nodded. “Yup . Cute one, too. I’m not sure what kind, but it was black and had a long tail and ears…” I put my fingers near my head to simulate dog ears and panted a little. “You know, a dog.”
    Jay giggled while Grandpa goggled.
    “You know, Bristol,” Grandpa said. “You can trust me. You can tell me anything. It’s all right.”
    I stopped my dog impression and gave him my best fake smile. “Thank you , Grandpa,” I said. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Yeah, right.
    “What I mean,” Grandpa continued, “is that here in Spirit, you wouldn’t be the only one who is… special.”
    “Watch yourself,” Jay warned. “I believe he’s trying to trick you into reveali ng something about yourself you may not want to.”
    “Grandpa,” I said . “I like to think that we’re all special in our own way. Even you.”
    Grandpa chuckled. “How very Lifetime Channel of you.”
    “You watch Lifetime?” I asked. 
    “What is Lifetime?” Jay asked.             
    “Bristol,” Grandpa continued, “you may think you’re fooling me, but you’re not. I know there’s something different about you.”
    “It’s because I’m from New York City,” I explained. “They make us tough down there.”             
    “I ain’t talking about you being able to hail a cab better than everyone else,” Grandpa grumbled. “I’m talking about you having a little something extra. A talent if you will, that most don’t have, if you know what I mean.”
    “Well, Grandpa, I might. It’s been awhile, but there was this one thing I used to do, sometimes.”
    “Yeah?” Grandpa leaned closer.
    “Well, I used to able to burp out the alphabet,” I said. “It’s been a long time since I tried. Getting past the L-M-N-O-P part was always the hardest.”
    Grandpa looked furious. 
    Jay grinned. “How charming.”
    “That’s not what I’m talking about,” Grandpa barked. He shook his head. Clearly, he was trying to keep his temper in check, and I wasn’t helping. I was good that way.
    “Bristol, I think it’s time I explained about Spirit,” Grandpa said. “Why Spirit is different than anywhere else. How our family is tied to Spirit , and why we never leave.”
    “My parents left,” I corrected.
    “Yeah,” Grandpa acknowledged. “Look how that turned out for them.”
    His words felt like a kick in the gut. Still, it didn’t seem like Grandpa was trying to be mean.
    “Let me tell you a story,” Grandpa said and patted the seat next to him, right where Jay was sitting. Jay found it very disturbing , and I really couldn’t blame him. Instead, I took a seat across from Grandpa on the bench.
    “Is this a story with unicorns?” I asked. “I love stories with unicorns.”
    “Girls,” Grandpa said. “My grandsons want stories about dragons. My granddaughter wants unicorns.”
    “Dragons can be nice,” I offered . “Especially the cute ones who talk.”
    Grandpa rolled his eyes. “No talking dragons, or dancing unicorns, or singing squirrels, or

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