Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker

Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker by Jessica Coulter Smith Page B

Book: Violet And Her Alien Matchmaker by Jessica Coulter Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith
Tags: Romance
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hers down once she’d made up her mind, and when the waiter came to take their order, she was ready. It surprised her a little when Tiraz ordered a bottle of wine for the table.
    She’d actually never had any before. When she’d turned twenty-one, she’d splurged on a four-pack of wine coolers, but that was the only alcohol she’d ever had. Having Simon at such a young age meant she’d missed out on some things, but she wouldn’t trade her life with her son for anything. Yes, there were things that she could have probably done differently, like applying to college and taking courses online, but she’d been too busy keeping a roof over their heads.
    “You went somewhere just now,” Tiraz said. “What put that sad look on your
    “I barely finished high school and never went to college. If I’d managed to get a degree, maybe our lives would have been different. Was I neglecting my son by not trying to make more of myself?”
    “Violet, you are a wonderful woman. You’re strong, resourceful, and anyone can see that you love Simon more than anyone else in this world. I’ve watched you with him and you’re an excellent mother, despite your circumstances. Would a degree have made a difference in your lives? Maybe. But keep in mind that not everyone who gets a college degree goes off to make lots of money. There’s a barista at Espress Yourself that has a degree in literature. She told me there wasn’t a single job available for someone with her degree when she got out of college. There are no guarantees in life.”
    “None? That’s depressing.”
    “Maybe I shouldn’t have said none. There is one thing I can guarantee. If you decide to allow me into Simon’s and your life, I will be the best husband and father I know how to be. I will attend every sporting event, every school play, be there for every scrape and fall…and most importantly, I will support you in whatever you decide to do with your life. If you want to go back to school and get a degree, then I’ll help you do it.
    Tuition money, someone to watch Simon, late night neck rubs while you
    study…whatever you need from me, I will give you.”
    Tears gathered in her eyes. “Why would you do all of that? You only met us this week and you were quite determined to remain single.”
    “Because you opened my eyes to what I was missing in my life, Violet. But I
    don’t want just any wife and son; I want Simon and you to be a part of my life. I’ve been happier this past week than I’ve ever been before. There’s never been anything that I wanted in my life so much that I was willing to give up everything, if it was the right thing to do, until you. When you went out with Zarin, even though I’d decided that morning I wanted you for myself, I told myself that if you wanted him, I would help you get him. I want you to be happy, Violet.”
    “You do make me happy. You came into my life when I needed someone most,
    and even though you were adamant about remaining a bachelor, I couldn’t help but feel that we made the perfect family. Every meal we shared, every time you took Simon to school, watching the two of you play cars or video games, it showed me that we were supposed to be together. But I didn’t think you wanted us, not in a forever kind of way.”
    Tiraz looked a little uncomfortable and she almost took back the words that had spilled from her lips. Then he reached inside his jacket and pulled out a small black velvet box. He set it down on the table and cupped his hand over it.
    “I bought this at the mall, knowing that I would give it to you at some point in the future. I had decided not to do it tonight because you’d asked for more time. I’m not showing you this now to put any pressure on you, but I want you to know how serious I am about having Simon and you in my life.” He opened the lid on the box and Violet gasped. “Violet, whenever you’re ready, I would be deeply honored if you would become my wife. I promise to

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