Viking Seduction Blood Slave

Viking Seduction Blood Slave by Brannan Black Page B

Book: Viking Seduction Blood Slave by Brannan Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brannan Black
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    Ferine’s face paled. “Not possible. Torgeir Svartdraken died centuries ago!”
    “It’s hard for a man with that many enemies to live the quiet life of a writer.” I shrugged casually, although I felt anything but.
    Ferine darted, trying to escape, but I closed in on him until his back met the wall. “You have dishonored the gift I gave you. So now I am going to take it back.” I stalked closer, dropping the blade I’d taken from his man. Ferine crouched, ready for the attack. He lunged, striking for my heart. I blocked Ferine’s blade, breaking his wrist in the process. I spun the slighter man into the wall, breaking his nose. With a snarl I sunk my fangs into his carotid artery. Ferine screamed once as his lifeblood sprayed into my mouth too fast for me to swallow it all. Bite lust softened his body against mine. It would be the last pleasure the bastard ever felt.
    I heard Segrun with Kierra. “Easy. I’m going to lick your wounds, seal them.”
    I bit harder into Ferine, drawing deep. I wanted this over.
    “That’s it, pet, stay with me. You’ll live. Just stay awake.” Segrun’s voice held nothing but confidence. I hoped that wasn’t just for show.
    “Nate, you and Eira take care of those mortals when you’re done playing with Ferine’s dogs. I’m taking her up to the penthouse. She’s lost too much blood. I’ll call for some O neg and start an IV.”
    Shit. I dropped Ferine’s limp body. He couldn’t die from being drained, but he wouldn’t be getting up any time soon, either. I surveyed the carnage in the garage. Ferine’s dogs lay dead or close to it, like their master. The mortal cops were getting new memories thanks to Nate and Eira.
    “Chop off heads or burn the mongrels?” Eli cocked a brow as he took in my blood soaked clothing.
    I smiled slightly. “Arteries are so messy.” Eli snickered. “If you’ve got a sword, let’s severe heads. Get the bodies ashed before anyone else shows up.”
    Eli pulled a long knife from his boot. “Not a sword but will do the trick. You go see to your woman. I can handle this.” I clasped my friend’s shoulder in thanks.
    The elevator ride felt like forever. I rushed in the open door of the penthouse. We kept it stocked with medical supplies, but blood wouldn’t keep. If she’d lost too much she might not survive long enough for a fresh supply to arrive.
    “How is she?” I knelt next to my sister at Kierra’s side. She’d put her in the first bedroom.
    “I called Adriana for blood and clean up. She’ll probably make it without that, but I’m not certain. She lost a lot, Dek.” She finished hooking up the IV with saline.
    I took Kierra’s pale, cold wrist to feel her pulse. “How soon will she be here?” Kierra didn’t stir and that worried me, a lot.
    “Any minute now. I take it Ferine’s no longer an issue?”
    “Yeah. Should have done it decades ago.”
    “I hate to say it…”
    “Then don’t. I know I should have dealt with him before this.” I’d kept hoping he’d get over it and move on. After the first hundred years or so I should have known better. Then Kierra wouldn’t be lying here at death’s door.
    “Why the hell weren’t you right behind us?” I knew something had to have gone wrong. Segrun had never let me down.
    “Car trouble. We had to secure a new one.” She turned at the door. “I suspect that prick Ferine had something to do with it.” She ducked out and closed the door partway.
    I leaned close to whisper in Kierra’s ear. “Hang on. Don’t leave me, please. I never told you I love you. Ah, pet, please don’t break this old vampire’s heart.”
    Her eyes flickered open. “Dekker?”
    I took her small hand in both of mine. “I’m here, pet. You’re going to be all right as soon as we top off your tank.”
    A small smile flickered to life. “I knew you’d come, if I could hold on long enough.”
    I lightly caressed her face.
    She turned to look at me. “Dek, I think I was

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