Vampires Need Pedicures Too (A Paranormal Romance)

Vampires Need Pedicures Too (A Paranormal Romance) by C.C. Kelly Page B

Book: Vampires Need Pedicures Too (A Paranormal Romance) by C.C. Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.C. Kelly
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- bonus.  And he seemed interested, t his was going much better than she could have ever imagined.
    “So you are what, twenty seven? Tim asked.
    Holly leaned back in her seat in surprise, “Yes, just this month, how did you know?  Lucky guess ?”
    “Some luck, some practice.  I used to work at a carnival and guessing people’s ages was one of my tricks.”
    “A circus?  That must have been fun.”
    “Yeah, it was, it was.  But hey, that was a long time ago, just after the war.”
    “No,” Tim laughed softly, “the big one, W-W-two.”
    “No way, you can’t be over thirty !   You ’re pulling my leg.  My uncle used to say that.”
    “Uncle, huh?  Well, nope Uncle Wheeton, not pulling any legs, least not right now,” he smiled as he glanc ed down at her breasts.
    Holly crossed her arms to cover her cleavage, put off by his f orwardness, but excited just the same.  Their eyes met again and that tingle returned and then she dropped her hands back to her lap.
    Tim glanced around again and motioned her to come closer with one hand, “ I got another secret. ”
    “Yes, please.”
    Tim looked around with a dramatic flair and then leaned back into the conversation, “I’m three-hundred and thirty-seven years old.”
    She giggled and covered her face politely, “ Now you are being silly.”
    “No, no, no , really.  Look it, I got one more really big secret, and it’s like huge.”
    Holly pushed the candle center piece off to the side and leaned even closer.
    Tim looked at her then pulled back, “Not sure I can trust you with this one.”
    “You can, you can trust m e, honest!” she pouted .
    “Okay, so here it is, I’m just saying, you sure I can trust you?”
    “Yes, you so can!”
    Tim once again made a show of looking around to see if the coast was clear and then motioned with one finger for Holly to come closer.  She leaned over until their faces nearly touched and she tilted her head sideways slightly and tucked her hair behind a sapphire studded ear.  She felt his breath, first on her cheek, then on her neck and then warm moist caresses on her ear - the tingle was almost paralyzing.
    “I’m a vampire,” he whispered.
    Holly ’s eyebrow s shot up in surprise; not in shock or amazement, but much as she would have had he said he was a dental hygienist.
    She slowly pulled away from that wonderful breath and faced him questioningly.
    “No shit Nancy, the real deal.   I f I’m lyin g I’m dyin g.  No, no, no, really - an honest to God vampire.  I’m not talkin g about some fuck - nut who got som e plastic teeth down at the mall and has a medicine cabinet full of eyeliner, black lipstick and nail pol ish.  Nope, real deal here babe .
    “I was reborn, so to speak, outside of Boston, back before the colonies were really even colonies.   Those were the days. ”
    Holly was enthralled, could it be true?  Could he really be a vampire?  She looked up into those emerald green eyes again and knew it was true.  Tim was a vampire.
    “Will you tell me about those days?  Sometime?”
    “I think I will, someday.”
    A silence settled over the table, not an uncomfortable one, rather a familiar one - a lull between friends.   Tim look ed into her eyes and for the first time really noticed them , golden and amber flecked brown, large and luminescent in the candlelight.  He paused, considering and remembering .  He pushed the thoughts away , it had been too long to go back, but the scent from her neck and her hair lingered.
    “What’s it like?  That what you going to ask?”
    “Yes,” Holly responded, thinking for a moment , “ What is it like?”
    “Fucking amazing is what!  No shit Sherlock, being a vampire has been the best thing that ever happened to me in my whole life, well - life,” he chuckled.
    Holly found herself smiling with him again , “ Okay, seems you want to talk about it, so i s it true, all the things they say in the movies and books?”
    “No, not

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