Vampire Games

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Book: Vampire Games by J. R. Rain Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. R. Rain
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the opposite of acupuncture, which encourages the flow of energy through a body.”
    “ And the dim mak discourages the flow of energy?”
    “ That’s the theory.”
    “ On Google, do I just type in death touch ? Or touch of death ?”
    “ Like I said, Moon Glow, you can laugh, but there are many who believe it’s real—and a few who claim they’ve seen the dim mak in action. And those who are reputed to have the skill are given a wide berth.”
    “ Let me guess...” I said.
    I could almost see Chad nodding his squarish head over there on his side of the line. “Yes,” he said. “Andre Fine is one of those who’s reputed to know the dim mak .”
    “ Lucky him,” I said.
    Chapter Twenty-eight
    I was sitting at my desk, drumming my fingers, listening to my children sleeping from down the hallway, thinking about damned “touches of death” when it happened.
    It was a vision.
    A powerful vision, so powerful that I knew it could have only come from Fang. It filled my waking thoughts completely, blurring my vision enough for me to believe that what was happening to him was happening to me .
    This happened to us sometimes. If Fang was experiencing something powerful enough, emotional enough, or exciting enough, it nearly always flooded my thoughts.
    As it did now.
    Usually, I can switch off the image, and leave Fang to his privacy. But as I sat back in my desk chair, the image I saw in my mind made me gasp.
    It was of Detective Hanner. And she was hovering over Fang, straddling him. She was wearing next to nothing. The light shifted. His eyes shifted. Correction. She was, in fact, wearing nothing. Standing over him, naked.
    I shouldn’t be watching this, I thought.
    I could turn off the image. Block it, so to speak.
    But I didn’t. I continued watching, like a voyeur through a bedroom window. I watched because I suspected I knew what was going to happen. I knew it, but I wanted to be sure. I wanted to see it for myself.
    Fang, I saw, was naked, too. He was sitting in a chair. I could see his chest heaving. His skin was gleaming slightly. I hadn’t seen him naked before. This was a first...and it was impressive. All of it...and all of him.
    But I was seeing what he was seeing, and now his gaze shifted as she slowly swung a leg over him and straddled him. I felt him shiver. Heard him moan and gasp. She adjusted herself on him, reaching down, and now he moaned low and long as she slid him inside her.
    A powerful wave of pleasure swept through him and subsequently me, too. I felt him throbbing.
    Jesus, no wonder guys love those things so much.
    But this wasn’t about sex. I knew that. Fang knew it, too. This was just preparing him for what was to come. He was waiting for it. I could sense his thoughts, even if they were a bit scrambled. He was willing her to do it, to do it, to do it.
    Please. Do it. Please. God, please.
    His thoughts briefly overcame mine, his line of thinking replacing mine.
    I shook my head, and nearly pulled out of the scene, but I had to see what happened next. I had to see what was going to happen to my one-time friend, Fang.
    Do it, love. Do it, baby. Do it, do it. DO IT!!
    I shook my head, trying to clear it, trying to focus on what was happening, but Fang’s thoughts were too intense, too powerful, too overwhelming. I had two choices only: block the vision completely...or give into it.
    I debated only briefly.
    And gave into it...
    Chapter Twenty-nine
    They writhed.
    I writhed, too, along with Fang, since I was living through him, experiencing through him, feeling through him. All while I sat here alone in my office, while he made love in another part of town, with a vampire.
    A very dangerous vampire.
    I did not feel jealous. I loved Fang, but for different reasons. He had been a friend first...and a stalker later. Knowing his past later did not wipe away the feelings of warmth I had developed for him. He had helped me through some very dark times

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