Vampirates 4: Black Heart
catching up like this. Besides, I think you two deserve some time alone together."
    "Yes," agreed Sally with a nod.
    "I'll see you both later," Lorcan said, smiling as he made his exit.
    As the door closed behind him, Grace turned back to Sally. "I thought we might go out into the gardens, Mother. It's a beautiful sunny day. Would you like that?"
    "Yes," said Sally. "Yes, Grace, I should like that very much." The mere idea seemed to give her a fresh pulse of energy. She eased herself up against the headboard and swung her feet down onto the floor. Grace watched as Sally slipped on her shoes and fastened her cardigan around her. It had a pattern of shells and coral lightly embroidered in pale blue on white, with tiny mother-of-pearl buttons.
    "That's so pretty!" Grace exclaimed. "Where did you get it?"
    "I'll give you one guess!" said Sally.
    Laughing, both mother and daughter spoke as one. "Darcy!"

    "It's so wonderful to be here with you," Sally said as they crossed the courtyard, having taken in the view from the gates.
    "For me, too," Grace said, feeling somehow at peace now, arm in arm with her mother. "But how are you feeling? Would you like to sit down for a bit?"
    Sally nodded.
    "I know the perfect place," said Grace, leading her mother gently toward her beloved fountain and one of the benches positioned around it.
    "What a beautiful spot!" Sally declared.
    "I'm glad you like it," Grace said. "This is my favorite place here at Sanctuary. It's where I come to think. It's very peaceful, isn't it?"
    Sally nodded. "Yes, it is. And shady, too." She sat down and stretched out her arms. Then she wrinkled her nose. "Is that lavender I can smell?"
    "Yes," Grace nodded. "There's an herb garden just over there, see? It's where Mosh Zu grows many of the herbs he uses for healing."
    "Oh, yes," Sally said, wrinkling her nose. "I can smell lemongrass, and rosemary and cardamom and curry leaf. How delicious!"
    "Yes." Grace nodded, beaming. She was glad to see the garden was working its restorative magic on Sally, too. She hoped the time was right to continue with her mother's story.
    She turned to Sally. "Do you feel up to talking again, Mother? About your time on the Nocturne?"
    "Yes," Sally said. "Yes, I think so. Now, where did I leave off?"
    Grace sighed. "You were telling me about being Sidorio's donor. And how he didn't live up to your expectations."
    "Ah, yes," Sally said. "That's right." She paused, reaching out and snapping off a stalk of lavender. She twisted it in her hands as she continued. "Well, I soon grew accustomed to Sidorio. I understood that all he wanted from me was a regular portion of blood, and after the initial period of disappointment I was happy enough to give that to him." She shrugged. "In a way, his having no other interest in me gave me a certain freedom. It was only occasionally, very occasionally, in the darkness and the stillness after the sharing, when I felt just a little weak, that I'd have liked him to have been there. Those were the only times I felt low."
    She turned her face to Grace. "Sidorio had very definite ideas and a fierce pride. Other Vampirates, Lorcan, for instance, saw their donors as equals. Sidorio didn't. At least, that's what I thought then." She hesitated, looking off toward the fountain for a moment. A delicate white butterfly had caught her attention as it hovered above the water. When she resumed speaking, her tone of voice was different. "My life aboard the ship was just fine. I had made a deal, and what I got in return for my weekly donation of blood more than justified it. It really was a life of ease ... and fun! We donors were always well looked after. And the food! After the rations I'd been on back home -- well, I ate so much that I soon began to balloon in weight. I had to take myself in hand and start exercising."
    "Exercising?" Grace asked. "Aboard the Nocturne?" The notion seemed strange, somehow.
    "Don't sound so surprised!" said Sally. "I had made good friends

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