V - The Original Miniseries

V - The Original Miniseries by Kenneth Johnson Page A

Book: V - The Original Miniseries by Kenneth Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kenneth Johnson
Tags: Science-Fiction
"introductory seminar" for some of the scientists, and Ben and Juliet had gone. Doctor Metz should have been the representative from their campus, but he hadn't even roused himself to reply to the invitation.
    What a bunch of shit that turned out to be, Taylor thought, wincing as he stabbed his thumb on something sharp. They spoon-fed us maybe ten minutes' worth of real information about themselves in half a day's time. The rest of it was either doubletalk or stuff that Kristine Walsh has already released.
Ben rinsed his bleeding thumb under the cold water and went looking for an adhesive strip.
    NIGHT HAD FALLEN, CARRYING JUST A HINT OF LOW-LYING MIST. Robin Maxwell paced in her yard, talking to her friend Muffy (nee Abigail) on the cordless phone. From inside she could hear her parents talking quietly as they loaded the dishwasher together. "Oh, it's been grody. Muf, really. My Dad's been so down since Professor Quinton left. Or got kidnapped, or whatever. I even had to talk to the police, tell them what he said that night he called, y'know. Yeah, really!"
    Her feet slid through the lawn's soft green with a tiny wet swish as she walked back and forth. "But you know about that. I wanted to know if you saw him! Daniel said he was in the neighborhood today ... What do you, mean, who am I talking about? You know who! The Visitor Youth Leader!"
"Daniel said he'd be by tonight?" She grinned ecstatically into the phone. "You're kidding! You saw him? Isn't he a hunk? Just a fox, right. Totally. I knooow ..."
She sighed, listening so intently to her friend that she was unaware that a uniformed figure was approaching from behind her. "Couldn't you just die! Did you see his eyes? Gorgeous!"
    She nodded vigorously. "Sure I saw them! When I was playing in the band. He looked at me for quite a while, for sure. Real meaningful, too, y'know. Like two ships in the night-so romantic ..." The silent figure was nearly behind her. "I think he really likes me, but is just afraid ... shy, y'know. Yeah, totally."
"Excuse me." Robin whirled, startled, to see the young Visitor she'd just been discussing standing behind her. She moaned softly, then turned away from him for a last agonized whisper: "My life is over, Muf!" She clicked the phone off, wondering whether to run or just die where she stood. He smiled uncertainly. "Excuse me. Did I startle you?"
"No!" she squeaked, then cleared her throat. "No." "I'm Brian," he said, holding out his hand. Robin took it, feeling the blood race in her ears. She felt the cool pressure of his fingers for just a second, then dropped her hand. It tingled.
"I'm Robin," she said. He cleared his throat, the sound very different because of the strange reverberation. "Uh ... hi. Sorry, I'm a little nervous.,,
    "You're nervous?" Robin said blankly. "Well ... it's not every day that I meet somebody from another planet."
She relaxed slightly. "Y'know, I never thought of that. It must be just as weird for you. Not that you're weird, I mean, y'know."
    Brian smiled again. "Which one is Daniel's house?" Visibly deflated, Robin pointed. "The one over there, on the right." "Thanks." He turned away. "Sure," Robin whispered, watching him leave. He doesn't care, she thought. My life is over. He stopped, hesitated, then turned back to face her. "Uh ... would you like to take a walk?"
Robin hesitated, trying to control the grin surging inside her, threatening to burst onto her face. "Okay," she said, following him.
    WILLIAM THREADED HIS WAY THROUGH HURRYING WORKERS, REsponding to the blast of the noontime whistle. He could see Harmy's truck standing just ahead of him. As he approached, she looked up, waving. "Hey, hero! Willy!"
William smiled. "Hello, Harmony." "Everybody's just raving about the way you rescued Caleb." William ducked his head, shrugging, unable to think of anything to say. "You seen him yet? Caleb, I mean."
"Yes," William said, "I have seen Caleb. He said he was fun." "Fine," corrected I larmy

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