Unraveled By The Rebel
of sending her young daughter to oversee the supplies.”
    “She was here earlier,” Juliette lied. “I asked for permission to stay, to speak with some of the children.” She took a deep breath and held her ground.
    Again, those eyes stared at her, and she sensed a frosted anger coming from Paul. Though he didn’t move, not wanting to draw attention, she sensed that he was seething.
    The earl mounted his horse again, lifting his hat in farewell to her. “I’ve been meaning to pay a call upon your mother. Since Lieutenant Colonel Andrews is away at war, I thought I should seeif Mrs. Andrews has need of my assistance, seeing as we are neighbors. When I come to the house, perhaps you will be there?”
    She didn’t dare tell him no. Though she didn’t understand why he would want her to be a part of the conversation, she braved another smile and nodded. “If it pleases you.”
    “It would,” he said softly. But the smile upon his face held the same hunger she’d seen in Paul’s eyes. Instead of drawing her closer, it heightened her discomfort. “Merry Christmas, Miss Andrews.”
    With a silent command to his men, the earl withdrew. Juliette’s pulse never slowed down, not even after they’d gone. A silence had fallen over the people, and they finished distributing the remaining food, all of them casting odd looks at her.
    Paul crossed the throng and took her by the hand. Without a word, he led her back toward the place where he’d kept her hidden. “Why did you come out? I told you to stay behind.”
    “He knew what you did,” she reminded him. “His men were going to hurt the MacKinlochs. I thought I could stop them from fighting.” She raised her chin, lifting her gaze to his. “And I did just that.”
    “You have no idea what you’ve done,” he exploded, his hand digging into the stone of the wall. “He has his eye upon you, Juliette. He wants you.”
    “I’m too young for that,” she said, shaking her head. “He’s as old as my father.”
    “His wife is dead, and he’ll be wanting a new one. It willna be you,” Paul warned.
    His intensity struck her hard, and she was aghast that he was already behaving like a jealous husband. Didn’t he think she had more sense than that? She would never consider letting a man like the Earl of Strathland court her.
    But more than that, she didn’t want Paul issuing commands. “You aren’t my husband yet, Paul Fraser,” she said quietly. “I have years yet before I’ll make that decision.” With that, she took off the silver ring and held it out to him.
    The gesture cooled his temper, and he hesitated before he took it back. “I’m sorry. I just couldna stand back and watch him stare at you. I want you to be safe, Juliette.”
    He touched his head to hers, lowering his voice. “I’m going to be worthy of you one day, I promise you that.”
    She said nothing but rested her face against his heart. “Don’t let’s argue, Paul. You’re going back to Edinburgh, soon enough.”
    He held her close. “I will, aye. And all I ask is that you wait for me. Don’t be making any decisions until I can return. Will you no’ promise me that?”
    She let out a sigh and stood on her tiptoes. Gently, she kissed him, and his hands threaded into her hair, pressing her back into the shadows. It was a kiss of promises yet to be, of a man who wanted her more than any other.

    Juliette awakened, her body frozen and aching. Her cheeks were wet, and she realized she’d been crying in her sleep.
    She didn’t know what had caused her to dream of Paul’s visit, years ago. But her hand moved up to touch her lips in the memory of his kiss.
    That was the day Strathland had noticed her. It had disturbed her deeply, for he was so much older… and the look in his eyes had been filled with lust. The more she’d refused him, the more aggressive his pursuit. He was not a man who understood the word
and he’d continued to press her, even during the following year.

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