dealing with him entirely.
A few minutes later she heard him open the door. Even without the stench of cigarette smoke and whiskey, he was breathing heavily enough for her to know when he was standing next to her, and she prayed he would just pull out his bed and go right to sleep. As seconds ticked by and he didn't move, she wondered what he was doing, but if she turned to see, he might realize she was awake.
Because she was already tense, she managed not to react when he stroked her back. But when his hand covered her breast and kneaded it, she gave a sleepy groan and turned onto her stomach.
"Tha's right," he mumbled. "Look, but don't touch. But ol' Howie touched you, didn't he, sweetie ? Girls always wanted Howie. You know what the funny part is? He didn't want any of that free pussy, so guess who he'd pass 'em on to?" He hiccoughed and laughed aloud. "Poor little Russ, the gardener's boy, finally got one Howie did want and couldn't keep. So what if I can't fuck her? I got her. An' there's always my friend Mary. Hello, Mary. Say hi to Peter."
Barbara had heard of people who hallucinated when they drank too much and assumed that's what was happening to Russ. She realized her mistake moments later as she heard his breathing become more labored along with another sound that had a steady, recognizable rhythm.
Not seeing him didn't make it all right. She wanted to cover her ears to shut out what he was doing, but then he'd know she was awake. She couldn't help but wonder how many other times he'd watched her and done this while she slept. Suddenly the beat quickened, he groaned, and something wet hit her bare arm. Russ let out a relieved sigh and laughed again.
She heard him pull out his bed and collapse onto it, but she waited several long minutes more, until he began snoring, before she wiped his leavings from her arm. She was both embarrassed and repulsed by his act, but it was his words that started her stomach churning. Was he infatuated with her only because Howard had wanted to marry her? It seemed unlikely that any man would turn himself into a nursemaid for a woman for such a flimsy reason. Surely he would have to have deep, personal feelings for her. His jealousy seemed to confirm those feelings.
And yet, there was something about the way he had spoken of her—as though she was his possession—that made her terribly uncomfortable.
The next day, Russ was nursing himself for a change and she understood well enough to leave him alone. The day after that was her doctor's appointment and he was being so solicitous, she thought it would have been horrid of her to start picking at him over something that was already two days old. As to what happened after he'd come home... well, he was drunk, and it was best forgotten.
Dr. Roselli gave Barbara permission to be a little more active, but warned her she wasn't completely in the clear. She should continue to get plenty of rest. Working at a job where she stood on her feet, strenuous physical activity and intercourse were still out.
Exactly as Dr. Roselli had predicted, after Barbara passed the twelfth week of her pregnancy, she regained her strength and high energy level. Her weight was finally on target and the fog that had clouded her brain for the last three months miraculously lifted.
Although Russ hadn't displayed any more temper tantrums or tried to push their relationship beyond companionship, Barbara knew the time had come for them to go their separate ways. She was guilty of taking advantage of his attraction to her. He was guilty of taking advantage of her physical weakness. In reality they were doing each other more harm than good.
There were no alternatives. She had to sell the ring and get it over with. Russ had told her how simple it had been to return the smaller pieces to Tiffany's. Of course, the Hamilton name on the receipt helped a lot.
Rather than give him warning of what was coming, she waited for him to leave for the florist shop before
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