Unleash The Moon (The Preternaturals Book 6)
    She still wore the black leather pants her pack had
tossed her. But she’d changed into a more revealing top and had
added boots and some gold jewelry to the mix. And make-up. Her
smokey eyes and bright red lips were an orchestrated seduction,
meant to draw him in. She formed her words slowly, and leaned in
toward him.
    “ So, how did you
meet the girl?”
    Noah stared at Shira, his expression closed. He
wasn’t going to play this game. Sydney wasn’t her business, and he
wouldn’t give the alpha even the smallest tidbit of information
that she could use in whatever her plan was. But he thought he
knew. Though he’d been blocked off from the world, there were some
things you just knew without knowing how you knew them.
    When she saw she wasn’t getting anywhere via that
route, she unbuttoned another button on her top. “Wow, it’s hot in
here. The desert. You never get used to this heat.”
    If that was the case, she
shouldn’t be wearing leather pants and boots. Werewolves ran
hotter, anyway.
    She scooted her chair closer and ran a long red
fingernail down the side of Noah’s throat.
    He growled. “I told you, Sydney is mine.”
    “ You haven’t
marked her,” Shira said.
    “ Not
    “ And even so, it
doesn’t mean you can only have one. You can have whatever you want.
Why don’t we move this conversation somewhere more
    Someone casually observing might guess that her
desire for privacy was rooted in seduction, but Noah sensed it was
because she feared he’d shoot her down in front of her pack. After
all, he’d already given her a warning growl.
    “ I’m fine right
here,” he said.
    She leaned in even closer, her breasts brushing his
arm as she whispered, “She’s too weak for you. You and I could run
this pack.”
    “ Why? Because
you’re afraid I’ll try to take it from you otherwise? Don’t worry,
I have no designs on your pack.”
    “ A bit
presumptuous don’t you think? I run a big pack with several decent
fighters. You think they’d submit to my leadership if I weren’t
strong enough to lead? This isn’t the human world. I couldn’t have
slept my way to the top even if I’d wanted to. You saw me reclaim
my human form out there when no one else could.”
    Noah turned fully toward her, pinning her to her
seat with a glare. “I know we both sized each other up out there
under the moon. I was born in my fur. Tonight is my twenty-eighth
birth moon. And it’s a blood moon. I escaped a heavily guarded
facility, leaving dozens of bodies in my wake. You might be strong
enough to lead, but we both know you’re just trying to seduce me
because you think I’m going to take your pack from you. Between us,
you know I would win in a challenge fight. And I think you’re smart
enough to know I wouldn’t pull my punches. After all, it would be
disrespect to hold back just because you’re a woman when you’ve
proven you can hold a pack on your own.”
    Her manipulative pout morphed into a snarl. “I
shouldn’t have extended hospitality to you. I should have just let
you and your girl die out in the desert. Between the vampires and
the human magic users coming from the city, they would have ripped
you apart.”
    Noah shrugged. “Just turn off the
seduction routine. I’m not interested in you or your pack. I just
need a mode of transportation, a map, and some supplies.” He still
wasn’t clear on what supplies he might need, but if he just
said supplies , maybe they would magically come together in a bag for him.
Let her lackeys sort out what kind of supplies he needed. They knew
the area. There was no reason to show his ignorance. It would be
another sign of weakness.
    She sighed. “Fine. Truth be told, I want you out of
my space.”
    He very much doubted that. He’d smelled her when
he’d first shifted in the lobby. She wanted to jump on him. If she
took a mate, most likely she’d fall back to second in command, and
none of the wolves in this pack seemed

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