
Unknown by Unknown Page A

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Authors: Unknown
nice juicy flying fox.'
    She became aware of Ben's gaze intensifying as he looked at her, and she felt immediately self- conscious. 'Is something the matter?'
    'It's you. Out here, in the middle of an operation like this, you seem different somehow.'
    She looked around but. the men were all busy at their appointed tasks. 'In what way?' she asked.
    'As if this is the most important task in the world to you,' he managed after a thoughtful pause.
    'It is,' she agreed. 'What's the matter? Doesn't it fit your image of me as an unscrupulous gold-digger?'
    When he winced, she saw she was right. 'Maybe I did jump to a few conclusions. I accepted your word about the cheque, didn't I?'
    'That was big of you,' she muttered under her breath and swung away to see how the trap was coming along.
    He caught up with her at the edge of the mangroves. 'You can't blame me for thinking you were after the main chance. You did turn up here as soon as word got out that Rick was to get ownership of Casuarina.'
    'All right, I planned the whole thing,' she said in a defeated tone. 'I would have married Rick if he'd been named as Jake's heir. I couldn't bear the thought of him marrying someone else, so I came back here like a shot to try to win him back. Are you satisfied now?'
    As she became more emotional, her voice rose and she saw the men giving them amused glances. Ben took her elbow and pulled her close to him. 'You aren't making this easy, are you?'
    'I thought I was,' she said with exaggerated innocence. 'I've just confessed, haven't I?'
    'How should I know?' he growled. 'You're as changeable as the wind. I don't know what to make of you any more.'
    Her hair flew around her face as she tossed her head. 'I don't believe you ever did.'
    Several days later, they returned to the creek with a haunch of wild pig to use as bait. This time, Ben planned to camp at the creek until the crocodile took the bait. When she made it clear she was staying too, he was less enthusiastic.
    'There's no need, I can have one of the men keep a watch,' he insisted.
    'I need to be here to tranquillise the animal so it doesn't get overstressed,' she countered.
    His frown grew blacker. 'And what about you getting overstressed?' But he didn't offer any more arguments against her presence.
    Perhaps it was the screech of an egret, put to flight by Fang's thrashing, but she awoke as day broke over the creek, instantly alert and sure that something was about to happen.
    The rest of the camp was still sleeping. She dressed quickly and quietly then made her way to the creek to check on the trap.
    The morning was utterly still except for an occasional rumble of thunder across the northern sky. The monsoonal rains would soon arrive and flood these lush green banks. Until then, there was no relief from the oppressive heat, and the air was so moisture-laden she could almost taste the dampness.
    Pulling aside the curtain of pandanus palms, she swept her gaze across the cool green expanse of river. The surface was undisturbed except for a gnarled log drifting slowly downstream.
    The log changed course suddenly and she realised that it was a big crocodile, easing its way towards the bait. Her heart hammered painfully against her chest as she watched and waited, hardly daring to breathe.
    A light touch on her shoulder almost sent her crashing down the bank but Ben's hand clamped around her, steadying her. She gestured towards the river and he looked, then nodded. She felt his body go rigid as he saw what was happening. Her attention was torn between the awareness of Ben's closeness and the drama playing itself out at their feet. She shut out the first sensation although her nerve-endings throbbed in response to his touch. Still she felt a resounding gladness that they were sharing this special moment.
    Then it happened. In a blur of movement, the giant crocodile lunged forwards and clamped its jaws around the bait. The sound of flesh tearing made her shudder and Ben's grip

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