Universe Online - Enter the Game: Complete Edition
than I had wanted.  Thankfully I throw out the magnetic rope to the floor and pull myself back before I hit anything.
    Idiot move, there.
    Still, now that the elation has calmed down a bit, I plug my suit into one of the batteries and sigh as it starts to recharge.
    The solar cell is working at nearly 180% rated capacity.  The reflector array I had built around it really helps.
    I'm not going to give you the math though. Lets just say that it'll fill up these two batteries in only a couple of hours and I can then wire in the third and use it as a breaker for the air processors in the capsule.
    And with it being powered by the sun, it'll work 24/7 without any fuel usage.  So the batteries will always have a charge, regardless of what I'm doing elsewhere.
    I finally get to sit down and relax for a couple of minutes while my suit recharges.
Survival means working through problems in order to live. But not only to live; but to thrive, regardless of the environment or other obstacles in your path.
    You have shown the ability to use every available resource at your disposal to survive. Not only that, but your ingenuity in trying to get every advantage you can out of the situation marks one of the fundamental traits required to live and thrive in the harshness of space.
You have gained:
    5 Intellect
    5 Psyche
    5 Awareness
    2 Vitality
    Survivalist Aptitude
    Solar Aspect, Power Aspect, Welding Aspect, Thinking Aspect, Goal Aspect.
Survivalist Aptitude (Surv)
Survival of the Fittest.
All survival actions +10%
Aptitude Size
    Holy...  Whoah.
    Not just stat boosts, but even the mid-tier Survivalist Aptitude too!  And five new Aspects to boot.
    Hell, I'm happy with that.  I got 75 more Psi added to my total and 10 more points in Health and Stamina.
    I quickly open up my Status Screen and check the results, as well as stack up my other survival Aptitudes to the Survivalist Aptitude.  Hehe.
    A 10% bonus to all of them.  That more than makes up with all the hassle I've gone through.  Also the new Aspects.  They all start at level 2, as well.
    Hehehe.  I'm laughing.  Laughing so much that I bounce a bit from my sitting position and start floating upwards.
    Now things are getting interesting!
    But I still have some work to do before I'm satisfied.  So I straighten up, catch my trajectory, and start making my way back to the escape capsule.  I check over the exterior again before finding what I was looking for.
    It is a small sealed hatch used to connect to external systems.  I'd have to have to cut into the capsule simply to run power inside, given that I plan to use it for a while.   Especially now that I have access to a good amount of air.
    I can finally re-pressurize the thing and get out of my suit for a little while.  After opening the hatch and making sure the adapters will work properly with a scan of my HUD, I go back and start rolling out another length of power cabling.
    Hook one side up to the second battery, and then attach the adapter to the capsule.  Done and done.  I can already hear the hum come back as the internal power reconnects with the remaining battery I'd left inside.
    It draws a large amount of power though, and I cannot help but cringe as I check the readouts.
    Simply powering the gravity generator and the atmospheric process consumes 90% of the boosted power supplied by the solar array I'd built!  That's far too much.
    But there is a way to reduce that.  So I slip back into the capsule and go looking for the gravity generator controls.  I end up back in the cockpit, with its smashed up console.  I sigh as I start tearing it open.
    I use my Scavenge and Searching abilities to their max, and remove every working thing I can.  Chips, electronics, mechanical parts, wiring.  I strip it all down and then use my multi-tool laser to start cutting out the buckled shell of the console

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