
Unexpected by Marie Tuhart

Book: Unexpected by Marie Tuhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Tuhart
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    Sabrina Orin tapped her foot to the music, a wide grin on her face as Ryan sauntered across the room. All mine.
    When the day started, she hadn't expected to find a man like Ryan at the wedding. She figured she'd attend the ceremony, make a brief appearance at the reception then claim a work emergency. After all, she was a doctor and babies did things on their own time tables. But, the second she saw Ryan, she'd fallen into no-holds-barred lust.
    Her gaze never left him as he strode to her. His raven hair gleamed in the lights and then he flashed her a quick sexy smile that warmed her blood. He reached for her hand, pulled her to her feet and out onto the dance floor. Her heart fluttered with excitement. No words were needed—their bodies were talking for them.
    Strong arms encircled her waist, pulling her against his hard aroused form. How did a woman proposition a man she just met? It wasn't like she had a lot of experience with hooking up for a no strings attached night. She sighed.
    “That's a deep sigh, Sabrina.” He gathered her closer, his lips brushed against her ear.
    She shivered at his warm breath. “The band is preparing for the last dance.” She didn't want the evening to end.
    “I see. Well, since we've danced, shook hands with the bride and groom, ate rubber chicken and had a piece of cake, I think it's time for us to make plans.”
    “Us? Plans?” The breathless words escaped her lips. Fissions of awareness danced up her spine as their hips brushed together.
    “I want to continue what we started out on the patio.”
    A tremor of anticipation shimmered through her. Over an hour ago, they'd strolled out onto the patio, where they kissed, and kissed and kissed, like teenagers in the backseat of a Mustang. If they hadn't been interrupted, there would have been more than kissing involved.
    “Your room or mine?” she asked, amazed at her own boldness, but it was something they both wanted. They were consenting adults. And her body craved his.
    “Mine.” He swept her from the dance floor, giving her a minute to grab her light sweater and purse before guiding her to the elevators.
    Sabrina took a deep breath. She could do this. She could have a one night stand and enjoy it. Couldn't she?
    Ryan Caine fought the urge to tap his foot against the tile floor as they waited for the elevator. Finding Sabrina at the wedding had been nothing more than dumb luck. Lust coursed through him, but there was more. When they’d talked over dinner, he’d found she had a good sense of humor, loved disaster movies and could talk about any subject.
    When he'd kissed her out on the patio, he fully expected her to either slap him or storm off. She'd done neither. Instead, she kissed him back until they were both breathless. Now, he wanted nothing more than to kiss her again, strip the dress from her body and worship her all night long.
    The elevator finally arrived with a ding. Keeping his arm around her waist, he escorted her in. The scent of roses and sunshine filled the small enclosure and his cock jumped. Their gazes met. He’d been aroused since he saw Sabrina gliding across the room in a sea green dress that molded to her slim body, but it was the way her deep, dark blue eyes gazed at him, that kept him hard.
    They had all night. It might be only one night, but he'd make the most of it. When they arrived at his room, he held open the door for her and released a pent up breath as she slid past him. He'd figured she might change her mind, but she hadn't. If she had, he would have let her go, no matter if it would have meant a really long and cold shower. He wasn't into force.
    After letting the door slide shut, he turned the bolt and then faced her. God, she was beautiful, from the top of her blonde head to the tips of her painted green toenails. She set her purse and sweater down on the small table near the door, all the while holding his gaze.
    “Well?” She spread her arms wide.

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