Undone (The Amoveo Legend)

Undone (The Amoveo Legend) by Sara Humphreys Page B

Book: Undone (The Amoveo Legend) by Sara Humphreys Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Humphreys
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his face, the high cheekbones and square jaw that looked like they’d been made by the gods. His most striking feature, those piercing blue eyes, reminded her of ice. Cool. Sharp. Steal-your-breath intense. And right now, they were locked on her.
    His mouth was on hers in a whisper or a curse—she wasn’t sure which—she didn’t care. She groaned and opened, welcoming him. He tasted like sin and sex. Marianna broke the kiss, pushed him back with both hands, and straddled him in one swift move. She fit perfectly between Pete and the wheel.
    His look of surprise shifted to that deliciously cocky grin as she settled on his lap and kissed him again. His hands slipped beneath her jacket and sweater, and she sighed against his lips as flesh met flesh. She’d never appreciated or needed the touch of a man more than she did at this moment—especially this man.
    She held his head and kissed him as her greedy hands found their way inside his jacket and under his shirt. Marianna groaned as she ran her fingers along the washboard abs and reveled in the smooth, warm skin beneath her fingertips.
    She couldn’t get close enough or connect enough—she needed more.
    Pete’s hands rested on her waist, and his fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her against his growing erection. She licked and nibbled at his lips as she writhed seductively in his lap, seeking relief from the storm of lust building inside.
    One strong hand wrapped around the side of her neck, and Marianna tilted her head, giving those talented lips access to the sensitive skin along her throat. She arched back further, and when her eyes fluttered open, she caught sight of sudden movement outside.
    Marianna let out a shriek of surprise as a dog barked and launched itself against the driver’s side window. Pete cursed, and in one smooth, cop-ninja move, had her off his lap and shoved protectively into the passenger seat behind him.
    Breathing heavily, Marianna stared openmouthed at the goofy dog bouncing up and down at the door like it had found a bag of milk bones.
    With Pete’s taste fresh on her tongue, Marianna clutched her jacket closed and looked from the dog to Pete, who gave her a sheepish grin.
    He shut off the engine and shook his head. “Jesus, Tramp.” Pete laughed and leaned on the headrest. “You have some shitty timing.”

Chapter 7
    Pete squatted next to the truck and gave the overzealous dog a good scratch behind the ears as the animal licked his face with exuberance.
    “Where the hell did that dog come from?” Marianna asked as she got out of the truck. She walked around and eyed the animal warily. “He appeared out of nowhere.”
    “He’s a stray, I think,” Pete said as he stood. “Marianna, I’d like you to meet Tramp.” The blue-eyed husky sat at Pete’s feet and stared at Marianna, but didn’t make a move to go near her. “At least that’s what I call him. He showed up a few summers ago and comes by every time I’m here.”
    “Hi, Tramp.” Marianna reached out tentatively, and to Pete’s delight, the dog yipped and went right to her.
    Smiling, she knelt in the snow and gave the husky scratches behind his gray and white ears. Her smile might have been the best sight Pete had ever laid eyes on. It lit up her face when she laughed as Tramp licked her. He grinned at the sound because he hadn’t heard her laugh in a long time.
    “He’s adorable and looks well cared for, especially for a stray.” She stroked his large body. “Are you sure he doesn’t have a home around here?”
    “Not that I know of. Although he could, I guess. The next closest cabin is a ways off. My cabin sits on about twenty acres.” Pete gathered packages from the car. “Tramp shows up and hangs out for a few days and then leaves when he’s had enough.” Pete shrugged one shoulder. “It reminds me of that dog from the Disney movie, Lady and the Tramp . Hence the name.”
    The sun set as Pete put the last of his fishing tackle in the shed out

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