Undone Dom

Undone Dom by Lila Dubois Page A

Book: Undone Dom by Lila Dubois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lila Dubois
Tags: Erótica
    “Yes, Master.”
    The door opened, her bare feet padding softly.
    At his knee, Cheryl’s breath sped up. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but he was sure she was anticipating something happening now that Lulu was here.
    Lulu closed the door behind her, a bundle of shiny fabric and lace in her hand.
    “Place them on the ottoman. Sit on the end with your heels against the legs, spread your knees, raise your hands.”
    Lulu obeyed, taking up the position with only slight hesitation and a submissive’s grace. She was beautiful. The ottoman was only a few feet from the comfortable chair where he’d been waiting, checking stocks on his phone as he pointedly ignored Cheryl.
    He could see the wetness on her pussy. Now he was doubting his ability to keep his hands off her. She was beautiful, ready and sexy.
    “Slave Cheryl.”
    He felt Cheryl’s surprise, saw Lulu’s.
    “Yes, Master Alton?”
    “Rise, stand at open presentation.”
    Cheryl rolled to her feet, stood with her arms raised at shoulder level, legs spread. Alton rose also. Reaching between the other woman’s legs, he removed one of the clamps on her labia. It dangled from the connecting chain. Taking her pussy lip in his fingers, he massaged it to make sure the circulation was good. Because she was wearing the clamps for long periods of time, she was instructed to wear them loose when not being used. One by one he removed the clamps, then undid the chain, dropping them to the floor between her feet.
    Cheryl’s breath sped up, her arms trembling. He’d conditioned her to feel her submission more keenly when she wore the chains. With them off she would either find the defiance that had brought her here or feel unsure of herself. He put a hand on her back. Cheryl leaned into it. There was no defiance in her.
    “Kneel, head on the floor.”
    Cheryl dropped down on her knees, bending down to press her forehead and palms to the floor.
    Alton stepped around her, looking over his equipment. He knew what he wanted to do with Cheryl, all he needed was to set it up. Lulu shifted, watching him before looking at Cheryl and back.
    He wouldn’t just make Lulu watch…he’d make her help.
    First he sorted through her undergarments, pulling out her panties. Raising them to his nose, he sniffed. They smelled of her musk. She’d been aroused before she walked in the door. Good.
    She blushed and looked down at his action.
    “Lulu, go to the kitchen. In the second drawer down on the right wall you’ll find anal plugs. Bring me one, and one of the small packets of lube in the drawer.”
    He watched her rise and walk away before he hauled the gymnastics horse into position in the middle of the floor. The ceiling here was reinforced and there were several heavy-duty bolts on rotating brackets mounted to it.
    Lulu was back, a plug in one hand, packet in the other.
    The plug she’d selected was shorter and much thicker than the one he’d used on her yesterday.
    He took it from her. “That has a larger diameter than the one I used on you yesterday. It will stretch you wider.”
    She bit the side of her lower lip, eyes on the ground. “Should I get a different one, Master?”
    “Did you know this one was thicker?”
    “I know it looked…different.”
    “Why did you select it?”
    “I wanted to know…what it would feel like when you used it on me.”
    Not “what it would feel like” but “what it would feel like when you used it on me”.
    Something in Alton’s chest loosened. Something he hadn’t known shouldn’t be tight.
    “Good girl.”
    He took the lube from her. “Kneel on the ottoman, put your chest and cheek against it with your ass high in the air so I can use it.”
    “Yes, Master.”
    This time she didn’t clench when he separated the cheeks of her ass. He used his teeth to open the single-use packet of lube. She gasped in that sweet, vulnerable way women had when the cool gel touched her anus.
    “I’m going to work the lube into

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