Under His Control

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Book: Under His Control by Lynn Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Richards
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average in just about everything. Her weight, her looks, her height. She’d even say her intelligence on most days, today not being one of those days.
    How the hell had she gotten herself into this situation?
    Just as Stan pulled on her arm again, the oak door at the end of the hallway opened.
    And out stepped the reason she wanted to tuck her tail between her legs and run away like a scolded puppy .
    Quinton Sanders, all six foot two of his glorious farm fed body walked down the carpeted hallway, lookin g every inch of a royally pissed off predatory male.
    “Let the boy alone, Becky, and come here.” He stopp ed three feet away, looking straight at her .
    There was no way out.
    Quinton S a n ders had her exactly where he wanted her, at his complete and utter mercy.

    Quinton didn’t know what to do first. He wanted to rub his hands together i n glee, feeling like a pirate who had just discovered his chest of shiny gold.
    “You ca n let her go . She’s not going anywhere, are you Miss Dawson?” He continued to stare until she raised her head and acknowledged him. H e sensed the war taking place inside her and knew the reason for her hesitation. Rebecca was not the type of woman to give her word lightly. To give herself over to a man she didn’t desire. They both knew that if she walked away from the guard, she’d be giving up complete control. To him.
    He breathed a sigh of relief when the guard released her and she took a step toward him. Then anothe r, then another. S he stopped just a few in ches away .
    Looking at her gorgeous head of brown hair, he resisted the temptation to stroke it, to reassure her that she had made the right decision.
    “You can go now, Stan. Lock the elevator behind you.”
    The penthouse suite of offices had their own private elevator. He and Greyson shared the floor along with the other partner, who rarely showed up anymore. A key was needed to enter from the ground floor. Or exit from the top. There was no way his little sparrow would be escaping him tonight.
    “Come.” He turned on his heel and walked to his office , leaving the door open. It scared him spit less to think she might not follow him, might run down the all and beg the security guard to take her with him. If she did, he knew he’d have to let her go. What they were about to do required c omplete consent. Complete trust. Complete desire .
    He turned as she entered.
    “Lock it.”
    She did.
    “Good. N ow come here.” He’d already dismissed his secretary for the day and opened the blinds, letting in the afternoon sun. The thermal properties of the glass made it cool to the touch and blocked most of the glare. They were on the fifteen floor. B uildings stood across the way but no one could see inside. W hen the blinds were open, the feeling was one of open ness, giving the impression everything that happened was on display for the world to see . Exactly how he wanted Rebecca to feel. On display for him and anyone else he chose.
    Not that he would ever let anyone else see her the way he intended to tonight . He was a very selfish man.
    Rebecca leaned against the warm wooden door, grasping the knob behind her back. A month ago she had walked out of this office, out of this building , and away from this man. She’d kicked herself a thousand times. She’d picked up the phone to call him a million more.
    They’d shared the most intense two months of her entire life. She’d fallen in love, but she’d had to walk away.
    As she watched , he unfastened his tie and removed the dark brown bel t from his pants. The leather slide from the tabs making her shiver. He l ifted each wrist taking off the gold cuff links . The man was a walking advertisement for GQ . H is pants fit the curve of his, umm, body , like a glove and his shirt had to be at least a thousand strand thread co unt. His hands, lord love his huge calloused hands , flicked the buttons open, revealing h is chest. He was as

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