Unbearable: Russet Falls Series

Unbearable: Russet Falls Series by W.H. Vega Page A

Book: Unbearable: Russet Falls Series by W.H. Vega Read Free Book Online
Authors: W.H. Vega
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her out of your
    “Seriously?” Gabby yelled, hurrying after Zane as he started
to leave. “You’re just going to leave me with these people? I don’t even know
who they are!”
    “Hey, it’s fine,” Alicia said softly, approaching her. “I’m
    “Zane!” Gabby yelled, ignoring Alicia. “Who the hell are
these people? Where are you going?”
    “They’re my cousins,” he said dryly, and then he pulled the
door closed behind him and made his way down the hallway. He couldn’t help but
smirk at the hell he knew Gabby was going to give the others.
    Oh well.
    Let someone else deal with her for bit. He got great
pleasure from the fact that Gabby was probably going to drive Grayson up the
fucking wall.
    His smirk died on his face when he saw Michael pacing at the
bottom of the stairs.
    “What the fuck is going on?” he barked.
    “I have no idea,” Zane said, following Michael, who was now
walking briskly toward his office. They stepped inside, and Michael slammed the
door, running his hand through his messy, dark hair. He normally looked more
pulled together, but Zane could see the toll this was taking on him. Zane
quickly recounted what had happened.
    “And you’re certain that he was trying to kill her?” Michael
asked when he was finished.
    “I’m positive. He went to her work. She was the only one in
the hotel lobby. There’s no doubt.”
    “Why? Why?” Michael asked.
    Zane hesitated. “I’m not sure, but I feel like there has to
be a connection between the bear chasing her in the woods and the trespassing
    Michael shook his head. “I didn’t want to believe it, but I
feel like I can’t ignore the evidence now. But why? What the hell is it?”
    Zane shook his head, at a loss.
    “We’re sure that she’s not a shifter?”
    “There’s no way. We would have smelled her blood
    Michael nodded. “Right. We should have.” He paced the floor.
“Could it have a connection to the cubs being killed?”
    “I wondered that, too,” Zane said, “But how?”
    “I have no idea,” Michael said, exasperated. “Like we don’t
have enough to worry about with our damn blood being diluted and the cubs being
killed. We’re all going to be extinct at this rate!” he nearly bellowed,
slamming his fist down on his desk. He took a deep breath. “Until we figure
this out, we need to keep surveillance on her. I’m not sure what the connection
is, but I don’t see any other way.”
    “Like we have time for that,” Zane scoffed.
    “No shit. I don’t even know if she’s our damn problem. But
it seems that if she’s not protected, then the other clans will be after her,
for whatever reason. Could you tell if was Cruentus or Atrocitas?”
    “I couldn’t tell. My thought was Cruentus though. Again.”
Zane remembered something. “She said the attacker mentioned her not being protected.”
    Michael snapped his head back around. “Meaning we had been
protecting her?”
    “I’m not sure. But what else? I protected her in the woods,
and then we offered her protection here when the Cruentus were on our land.”
    “Damn!” Michael cursed. “Then we need to keep an eye on her
until we have it figured out.” He sat down, clearly tired. “Have a seat. We
need a plan. That’s the only way we’re going to get to the bottom of this
fucking mess.”

Chapter Fourteen

    Gabby glanced around the room, not having any idea who the
hell these people were. For all she knew, Zane had left her with a bunch of
mass murderers.
    “Hey,” Alicia said again, “Like I said, I’m Alicia. And this
here is Grayson,” she pointed to a tall man with light brown hair and light
eyes. “This is Quentin,” she explained, pointing to another tall and broad man
with a buzz cut. “And that’s Mick,” she said, pointing to the guy in the
corner. He was more wiry than the other two men, but he would certainly be large
compared to most others.
    “What the hell do they

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