Ultimate Kill (Book 1 Ultimate CORE Trilogy) (CORE Series)

Ultimate Kill (Book 1 Ultimate CORE Trilogy) (CORE Series) by Kristine Mason Page A

Book: Ultimate Kill (Book 1 Ultimate CORE Trilogy) (CORE Series) by Kristine Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristine Mason
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treasure he’d discovered had allowed him to usurp the man who had fathered him, take his life and take control of the company.  
    He looked away from the maze and stared at Allison. “Suck harder,” he told the maid and gripped her head. His cell phone rang. He released a frustrated groan and withdrew the phone from his pants pocket.  
    “Don’t stop,” he said to the girl, then answered the call. “What is it?”
    “I just heard from Santiago,” Ric replied. “They’re getting ready to head to Columbus now.”
    He gritted his teeth as his orgasm approached. “Good. Anything else. I’m in the middle of something.”
    “Yeah, Santiago wants to know if there’s any way they can charter a plane from Columbus to Knoxville and avoid the five and a half hour drive.”
    He slid his eyes closed at the pleasure the maid gave him. “No. I don’t want them drawing any attention to themselves. They need to stay on the road.”
    “Understood. I’ll let him know.”
    “How long will that take?”
    “Ah, minutes. I just need to call him back.”
    “Good. Come to my office when you’re done,” he said, then disconnected the call. Once the maid finished servicing him, he’d turn her over to Ric. For once, he’d let his right hand man have more fun than usual.  
    He looked down at the girl. He’d had high hopes for her. Had pictured tormenting his wife, forcing the pathetic, scrawny bitch to watch as he had his way with the maid.  
    Such a shame. Ric would eventually kill her, once the fun was over.
    And she’d end up with the others…buried in the labyrinth.  
    Santiago pocketed his cell phone and climbed into the SUV’s driver’s seat. Based on the scowl the Columbian wore, Harrison assumed the news wasn’t good.
    “Well?” Vlad asked. He’d been sitting next to Harrison in the back seat.
    Shifting gears, Santiago hit the gas. “We drive. Honey Badger wants us to stay on the road. It’s less conspicuous.”
    Vlad looked to him. “Define conspicuous, nerd Harry. Vlad know not this word.”
    “Noticeable,” Harrison responded. “Your Honey Badger wants us to maintain a low profile.”
    The Russian nodded as if he understood the reasons behind the inconspicuous use of the SUV versus the plane, then leaned his head against the headrest. “Good. Planes scare Vlad. Especially small ones.”
    Honey badger scared Harrison. Especially because he couldn’t be one hundred percent sure what the man was up to. When Santiago turned on the satellite radio to a Latin station, Harrison turned to Vlad. “Is Honey Badger your boss?”
    “Yes.” Vlad rolled his head to the side. “Do not ask real name,” he said in a hushed tone.
    Harrison shook his head. “I won’t, but…”
    “Go ahead, Harry. Trust Vlad.”
    “Why do you call him Honey Badger?”
    The Russian glanced toward Santiago, then back to him. “Because Honey Badger don’t give a shit, he do what he want and get what he want. If you go after him, he attack. Keep Vlad words in mind when Harry meet him,” Vlad said quietly. “I work seven years for Honey Badger. Trust Vlad. Harry no want to mess with Honey Badger.”
    He do what he want and get what he want.
    And he’d kill a lot of people in the process.
    Stomach nauseated with guilt, head aching with regret and anger, Harrison leaned into the seat and closed his eyes. His program had to work. If this Honey Badger was up to what Harrison believed, the man needed to be stopped. Unless he found another opportunity to be alone with the computer and add the virus he’d created before going to prison, his program was all he had to combat his employer. He couldn’t talk to Mickey about any of this. Hell, he couldn’t find a moment alone with his brother. As much as Vlad kept telling him to trust him, Harrison wasn’t convinced. Vlad had worked for Honey Badger for seven years. His loyalties would be to his boss, not him.
    Damn it, Mickey. What the hell did you get us into?

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