Two Nights with His Bride

Two Nights with His Bride by Kat Latham Page A

Book: Two Nights with His Bride by Kat Latham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Latham
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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them, even though I’ve warned you time and again they won’t be up to a job that big. Why wouldn’t you do the same for your own sister-in-law, a woman who’s actually proven how competent and talented she is?”
    Nancy’s nostrils twitched as she tried to controlthe emotions threatening to overwhelm her. “Please don’t call me selfish just because I want to choose my own wedding dress.”
    “You’re twisting my words again. I didn’t call you selfish. I said you had a selfish attitude. Big difference.”
    Not to her there wasn’t. “We need to talk about this.”
    “Can’t right now. Keep in mind that this wedding isn’t just about you. I know you’re the bride, butyou’re not a Bridezilla. That’s just not who you are. Okay, I gotta go now. Love you.”
    Nancy hung up, her arms flopping at her side as all the fight drained from her. “I have to wear this stupid dress.”
    “Oh, hell no you don’t. We’ll go shopping—”
    She rubbed her forehead. “If I wear something else, it’ll publicly humiliate Mallory. Worse, it could ruin her if the fashion world finds out herown sister-in-law wouldn’t wear something she designed specifically for me.” She let her head fall back and stared at the ceiling. “We should’ve eloped.”
    “And miss all the photo opps?” Faye’s voice dripped with sarcasm.
    “Please help me stay positive here. I’m really struggling.”
    “Okay, look at it this way. At least…um… No, I got nothing.” Her cell phone rang, cutting her off. “Phew. Saved bythe ringer. Hello?” Her gaze darting to Nancy’s, she grinned. “Oh, hi, Wyatt.”
    Nancy’s belly clenched, spreading liquid warmth through places she didn’t want to be warm and wet. Memories. That’s all.
    “Checking up? That’s sweet of you. Yes, the doctor scanned her head and gave her the all-clear, but you called at just the right time. I think she could use some advice.”
    “No,” Nancy whispered,waving her arms. “I don’t want—” Faye shoved the phone to Nancy’s face. “Wyatt! What a surprise.”
    “Hey. You need some advice? Dump Marco and get together with Ned.”
    Nancy blinked a few times before she realized he was talking about her pool-boy lover and single-dad neighbor in Sultry Suburbs . “You watch my show?”
    “Only with my blinds down. If you tell anyone, I’ll tell your dad how you usedto spy on me from the hayloft when I used the shower next to the stables.”
    “You…you knew about that?”
    “Not at the time. I saw you hiding there one day, waiting for me, so I showered inside from then on.”
    She cringed. “I’m sorry. That’s really creepy of me.”
    “Yeah, it was, come to think of it. But I’m over it now. What do you really need advice on?”
    She stared down at her dress, despair wellingup inside her. “Nothing.”
    “Doesn’t sound like nothing. Talk to me.”
    Faye stepped out of the room and closed the door, leaving Nancy alone with Wyatt—sort of. But asking him for advice about Jared struck an icky chord in her. He wasn’t her buddy, wasn’t one of her girlfriends. He was a man she’d once been deeply attracted to, and talking to him felt too close to rekindling something she wasn’tin a position to rekindle. “It’s nothing. Really.”
    He paused. “If it has to do with Jared, I have plenty of advice. I don’t know how to put this kindly, but Jared’s a—”
    Panic hit her hard. “Sorry, Wyatt, I have to go. Thanks for checking up, but that boulder didn’t do any permanent damage. See you around.”
    She hung up before he could say anything. “Faye!”
    Faye poked her head into the room.“Yeah?”
    Holding the cell out to her, Nancy said, “We got cut off.”
    Faye took the phone with obvious reluctance. “I don’t know what he said, but maybe you should listen to him.”
    No…listening to him would take her places she didn’t want to go. Besides, he didn’t know Jared the way she did. She stared at the sparkling ocean

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