Two Bears For Christmas
he said as he held her against the wall. He pressed his hard-on against her. “Everyone knows how hard-up a woman of your size can be.”
    “What does my size have to do with it? Do you think plus-sized women have no taste? We can spot a creep just as easily as the next girl.” He’d probably fire her Monday for that comment, but she didn’t give a damn. She was tired of fighting this asshole off every time he entered the office.
    Hands against his chest, Tabitha gagged at the smell of stale cigarettes and alcohol on his breath as she attempted to push him away. “Let me go, Carl. I don’t want you any more now that I’m a little drunk than I did sober. Let me go!”
    Nausea settled in her stomach as she got the sick feeling that Carl was going to rape her right here in the bathroom while everyone partied in the main part of the bar. With the music and laughter so loud, no one would even hear her scream.
    Tabitha screamed for all she was worth when Carl grasped the front of her shirt and tore it down the front.
    “Shut up, bitch.” He slapped her and then grabbed her breast. “I knew you wanted it. Why else would you wear this lacy bra in my favorite color?”
    “Red is your favorite color, you bastard,” Tabitha cried out. Her face throbbed where he hit her. What could she do to stop this from happening? Tears rolled down her cheeks. Her right cheek must have been swollen. It hurt so much that she had a difficult time staying on her feet.
    “My favorite color is cream, now, you slut.”
    The room spun and her vision narrowed to what she could see of the top of Carl’s head as he buried his face in her cleavage.
    Carl tugged on her slacks. The button gave way under his superior strength and all Tabitha could do was wish that she was back in the bar sitting between two handsome studs while she continued to embarrass herself. Anywhere was better than here.
    “Don’t do this, Carl. Please don’t do this,” she begged as he continued to hold her against the wall. He had worked her pants down past her hips when the door burst open.
    “Go away. This is a private party.”
    “It’s become less private, then, hasn’t it, ye bastard?” Ewan said as he plowed into Carl and pushed him up against the wall. “Get the lass out of here, Roddy. I’ll take care of this son-of-a-bitch.”
    “Leave some for me, Ewan. I want a piece of that when you’re done.” He glanced at Tabitha. “There’s nothing I like better than showing another man how tae respect a woman.”
    “He’ll be lucky if there is anything left of him when I’m done.”
    “I don’t give a damn what you do to the creep.” Tabitha reached up to touch her cheek. She was right. It had swollen. She turned her gaze down to her clothing and began to sob as she gathered her tattered blouse around her.
    “There, there, lass. Don’t fash yourself,” Roddy said as he helped her straighten her clothes. “We’ll get ye right as rain before we take ye from this room.” He pulled off his jacket, draping it around her shoulders while Tabitha pulled up her pants and buttoned them with trembling fingers.
    “Don’t you leave me here with this man, Tabitha. If you do, you’ll not have a job Monday morning,” Carl threatened.
    “She doesn’t need your job,” Ewan said as he slammed him against the wall. “And you’re not tae talk tae her. Pieces of shit like ye have no business talking tae such beautiful women.”
    “Her, beautiful? Ha! She’s a size twenty if she’s an inch.”
    “Beauty knows no size. If ye respected women at all, ye would know that.”
    Carl broke free of Ewan’s grip and lunged at Tabitha. She backed up against the wall with a squeak and hit her head on the paper towel holder. The last thing she remembered was strong arms gently closing about her as she slumped against the cold tile wall.

Chapter Two
    Roddy wanted to kill the bastard for mishandling the woman. She’d stood in the corner, her blonde hair

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