Twin Temptations
dark blue eyes. Samantha assumed this not-so-subtle setup of her brother’s had come as a bit of a surprise to Callum as well as herself. Despite the small uncertainty she could see in his eyes, he gallantly held out his hand to lead her to the dance floor, curiosity etched onto his face as they surveyed each other casually. Smiling, knowing one dance couldn’t possibly hurt anything except her feet in these damn stilettos, Samantha took Callum’s offered hand with a warm, genuine smile.
    “My cousin and your brother have painfully little tact when it comes to their Cupid skills, don’t you think?” Callum chuckled as he led her onto the packed dance floor. “I thought since I’m leaving next week for Australia, Bella might have actually laid off my case for once.” Samantha smiled in sympathy and shrugged her shoulder. Resting one hand gently on her partner’s upper arm, Samantha shivered at the slight tingle that ran through her body as Callum wove their fingers together and they slowly began to move to the slow music.

    “Alex has only become really bad since falling like a ton of bricks for Bella,” Sam said, defending her twin. “And Bella mentioned your project work with dingoes. It sounds really interesting.”
    Callum and Samantha smiled at each other and continued to dance. “Actually, I was plotting my own escape,” she confessed with a wicked chuckle. “I have a mountain of work I really should be doing, and it’s fizzled any party mood I had worked up.”
    Samantha grinned impishly at Callum’s raised eyebrow and looked deviously over her shoulder to where Alex and Bella now hovered at the edge of the dance floor swaying slightly, their bodies melded together. She could easily tell the couple was engrossed only in each other, and so she should be fine to make her escape soon.
    “Will you help me break out of here?” she asked, laughter in her tone. Samantha began to lead them both, still dancing, toward the back exit. She was only teasing Callum, had no intention of him playing Sir Knight, so his response came as somewhat of a surprise.
    “Now how can I resist such a request?” he chuckled, and took over the lead. Dancing their way carefully to the opposite edge of the floor, and then working their way cautiously through the crowd, Samantha had trouble stifling her laughter. Callum had taken on the air of someone attempting to be stealthy and happily failing miserably. Giggling as they reached the back door, Samantha cast one last quick glance over her shoulder, pleased that she could no longer see either her parents or her brother, and ducked outside into the cool evening air.
    “That’s priceless,” she laughed. “Thank you so much! For the laugh as well as the escape.”
    Impulsively, Samantha wrapped her arms around Callum’s neck and kissed him softly and swiftly on the lips. It was a chaste kiss, but it sent a shudder of heat and need exploding through her body. Samantha pulled back, a slightly startled look on her face, as the heat and intensity of her reaction had caught her completely by surprise.
    “Uh…” she stuttered as she blinked her eyes and wondered how a mere kiss could effectively change her from being an impish vixen into a blithering idiot in under five seconds.
    Callum cupped her jaw in one strong, tanned hand and drew her mouth back to his. Their lips met a second time, and the world seemed to slow down to a complete stop. Callum easily slid his tongue inside her parted lips, and they tasted each other, both of them eating at each other’s lips and mouths. Callum pulled her closer, and Samantha could feel the heat of his body press against hers. When one of his powerful thighs slid between her legs, she could feel the thick hardness of his erection press against her lower belly and aching pussy.
    Panting now, Samantha arched herself into Callum’s warmth, her body wanting nothing more than to rub against him, her legs already spreading, her pussy damp and

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