Twin Passions
but he had to know.
    Anora felt cold fear clutching at her throat. For the
life of her she could not speak. Stark terror lit her eyes when she glanced
over at Svein's evil face, remembering all too well his threat. Frightened for
Gwendolyn's life, she shook her head slowly from side to side. At her answer,
Hakon felt an immense surge of relief.
    "Aye, if an attempted rape is not hurt enough!"
Gwendolyn blurted furiously, her eyes flashing. If Anora was too afraid to
speak, she certainly was not! Though unable to understand the Norse language,
she could tell Hakon was indeed the captain of the ship, and a feared and
respected one at that. Never had she seen men so ready to obey another's
    Only he has the power to punish those two curs, she
thought fiercely. Svein's fawning and silky tones had not fooled her. She did
not have to speak their language to know a sniveling liar when she saw one.
Damned if she wouldn't let the Viking know exactly what had happened!
    Startled by her vehement words, Hakon felt a white-hot stab
of rage course through his body. The thought of Svein pressing his crude body
against the girl's fragile beauty was more than he could bear. He grabbed
Gwendolyn by the shoulders. "Tell me what you know, lad, and be quick
about it," he demanded.
    "My sister and I were in the woods when these two"
—she pointed at Svein and Torvald—"jumped out at us from behind some
trees. I was hit on the head and remember naught else. The rest I know from
    Anora. So that was the beauty's name. Rolling it over
his tongue like the finest honey, Hakon glanced at the girl. Even Freyja, the
goddess of love and beauty, could not have fashioned a more perfect name for
her. Ever so gently, he reached out and touched the purplish bruise on her fair
cheek. Anora started from his hand as if stung.
    "I will not hurt you," Hakon said softly,
oddly distressed that she would shrink from his touch. "Just tell me who
struck you, or at least, if you will not speak, point to the man."
    Emboldened by Gwendolyn's outburst, Anora's hand
trembled as she pointed at Svein.
    "You would take the word of an English slut
against one of your own?" Svein screamed, his
voice an ugly snarl. Before anyone could grab him, he suddenly rushed at the
captives, his eyes red with rage. Gwendolyn quickly moved in front of Anora,
taking the full force of Svein's weight as he fell upon her.
    Yet no sooner had Svein knocked the breath from
Gwendolyn's body than he found himself hurled violently across the deck of the
ship. "Seize his arms!" Hakon yelled. Several oarsmen rushed to obey.
Hoisting Svein to his feet, they pinned his arms behind his back, subduing him.
He struggled in vain, all the while screaming foul curses and oaths until Hakon
doubled up his first and slammed it into his face. Silenced at last, Svein
slumped limply amid his captors.
    "Tie him to the mast!" Hakon ordered. "And
Egil, prepare the lash." Striding over to the captives, he helped
Gwendolyn to her feet. "You are indeed a brave lad," he said, a hint
of admiration in his eyes. But his expression remained cold. Speaking to both
of them, his voice was grim. "Those men brought you aboard this ship
against my orders, most likely for their own gain. When we reach shore, their
punishment will be far more severe. But for now, they will feel the kiss of the
lash for their greed."
    When we reach
shore . . . Had she heard correctly? Gwendolyn wondered excitedly. Aye,
those had been the Viking's words. A feeling of elation surged within her,
bringing a smile to her lips. So she had been right, she thought, proud of her
intuition. They had cooperated with the Viking, and now he would return them to
their homeland!
    The high-pitched whine of the lash through the air
interrupted Gwendolyn's thoughts, and the ship soon echoed with Svein's
terrible screams for mercy. Anora, unable to watch the awful scene, leaned
against the railing and looked out over the sea. But Gwendolyn counted

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