Turtle Island
whose very heart had been
removed. Stuck with sticky tape to a shelf where Lia used to keep
her winter woollens was an envelope marked Leroy. He snatched the
envelope and sat down on the bed scattering the orange juice and
coffee, sending the liquids hurtling together in to an undrinkable
concoction before they finally came to rest on the waffles. Leroy
pushed the tray back toward the centre of the bed, leaving a trail
of orangey-brown fluid on the crisp white sheets. The envelope was
not sealed, the flap springing open almost too obligingly. Leroy
pulled the neatly folded piece of paper out. A waft of Lia’s
perfume, ‘Jewel’, a waft of Lia…a memory.
    I have tried to talk to you on many occasions but it seems
that time is our enemy. We just don’t seem to have enough of it to
spend with each other. I know that things will not improve because
you love your work so much, maybe more than me. I know that sounds
harsh but I really believe that you can live without me; I wish the
same could be said about your work. I have waited and waited and
waited; I can see my life passing me by. I need to find life before
it’s too late. I have stocked up on groceries for you and the
freezer is full. Don’t try to find me. I have taken two thousand
dollars from our savings account to get me by. Don’t hold harsh
thoughts about me, my heart is breaking but this is something I
have to do.
    Love Lia xxx
    Leroy felt lost, an empty pit opened in his stomach, which he
felt his heart would surely drop in to. A feeling of desolation and
rage swept over him simultaneously and he could do nothing but sit
on the bed and cry.
    The police arrived within ten minutes of Narla’s phone call. A
detective, fattish, going bald, got out of the car with surprising
agility for his size. Narla watched through the lounge window
sitting wrapped in a blanket. She was holding a cup of sweet tea. A
sense of relief at seeing approaching safety made Narla sob
quietly. Narla dreaded Charles returning during the time spent
waiting for the police, breezing in with his usual cheery
disposition and his ‘Hi, Honey I’m home’ falseness.
    Norman Frusco stood at the door and rang the bell. Before the
chime had finished, Harley had the door open and welcomed the
detective in. His first impressions of 14162 Harpenders Grove was
that the owners were far from poor. On the way down, Norman had the
station run over any details that they may have had on the owners.
Apart from two unpaid parking violations the Fleisher’s were model
    ‘Come in, detective.’ Narla’s voice was trembling as much as
her hands. There was a hot sickness in her stomach. The image of
Harley curled up on the bed wouldn’t leave Narla’s mind. She
wondered about the damage both mentally and physically to her
daughter and was amazed at how she could manage to keep the abuse a
secret. To Narla it seemed too much of a burden for a girl to have
to carry, it was too much for anyone to carry.
    ‘It’s Captain Frusco, but you can call me Norman.’ Norman
smiled trying to put Narla at ease. He wasn’t fully aware of all
the facts but knew enough for a little gentle diplomacy. A
policewoman entered behind Frusco, they followed Narla in to the
lounge. Frusco admired the decoration of the house. The simple
colour scheme, the tastefully arranged but expensive furniture. The
paintings on the wall, not by famous artist’s but originals.
Aesthetically pleasing, gentle on the eye without being
    ‘I’ve brought along Policewoman Reynolds, if there is anything
you feel uneasy about telling me, you might find it
    Narla was nodding, already ahead of Frusco. Guilt adding to
the plethora of mixed emotions swimming around in her head. Frusco
and Reynolds sat opposite Narla occupying different ends of the
three-seat settee. Norman Frusco placed a voice-activated tape
recorder on the glass table that separated them. ‘Whenever you’re
ready Miss

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