Trusting Them
came looking for you.”
    “I’m going to redden her bottom as soon as we get her back,” Brady growled.
    “I’ve already promised her that.”
    “Well, you can get in line, but her ass is mine first.”
    “Will you be still so I can get the bandage on this arm? It’s bleeding all over the damn kitchen floor. You need a couple of stitches in it.”
    “Like we have time for stitches. Just bandage it up nice and tight. We’ve got to get our woman back from that SOB,” Brady said.
    “He’s got to go down the back way with her in tow. She’s going to slow him up a good bit, though. We should have time to get around to the road before he makes it if we start out now,” Brock planned.
    “You’ll have to drive. I’ll contact the sheriff on the way.” Brady jerked his old coat on and borrowed a hat from one of the men.
    “We’re taking the guns. Can you handle the rifle? You’re a better shot with it than I am.” Brock unlocked the gun cabinet in the living room.
    He pulled out the rifle and a box of shells and handed them to Brady. He grabbed the shotgun and shells for himself. Either way, they were loaded for bear. He just hoped they didn’t have to use the shotgun since that would put Jeni in harm’s way. He would use it, though, if it were the only option for getting her out alive.
    Everything had gone to shit faster than he could blink. He was supposed to be the oldest and be able to take care of not only his brother, but their woman as well. He’d failed both of them. It whittled away at him as they climbed in the truck and started down the snowed-over drive. The road around the back way would be treacherous for sure. He worried that even if they managed to get there in time they wouldn’t be able to get her out safely because of the snow and ice.
    Brady looked over at him and nodded his head. They were going to do this. One way or another, they would get Jeni back.

Chapter Nine

    “Pick up the pace, bitch!” Hugh screamed at her for the umpteenth time.
    “I’m going as fast as I can. These boots are too big for me.” She didn’t even have to try to slow him down. She was telling the truth about the boots.
    “You keep me from getting my money, and I’ll cut you just for the pleasure of it,” he griped as they slid another few feet in the icy snow.
    Several times Jeni thought about just losing her footing and taking her chances by rolling down the hill. What was the worst that could happen to her? Then she did trip and ended up rolling a good ten feet down the hill. By the time Hugh had made it to where she’d stopped hard against a rock, she was near tears at the pain in her side.
    “Fucking klutz. Watch where in the hell you’re walking.” He jerked her upright again and gave her a nudge with the rifle.
    He’d put the knife away as soon as the men had left. He couldn’t very well head down a mountain with a knife out. It would be too dangerous for him should he slip and fall. No, the gun was a better bet. She watched for any opportunity to wrestle the gun from him, but so far, there hadn’t been one. Jeni knew her time was running out. As soon as Hugh turned her over to her ex, he’d have her where he wanted her, under his thumb again. She had little doubt what he would do about it too.
    “Stop your daydreaming and put a move on it.” He prodded her with the barrel of the gun again.
    Jeni growled at him. She was tired of the damn thing poking her in the ribs. She was already sore as hell there anyway. The next time he did she was going to grab the damn thing and shove it up his ass. It wasn’t long before she got her chance. She whirled around and grabbed the gun barrel and shoved it hard into him. When he fell, she stood there for a minute then she tried to take off running, only to make it a few feet before the bottom of the world dropped out from under her.
    She slid down a snowy embankment then rolled farther until she hit the side of a rock with her head. She saw stars and

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