Trust Me
pulled it out of his shirt pocket to answer the
persistent ring.
    “Prentice. Hi Adams, you here?  
Good.  Do you have all the safe house information?  Okay we'll be
right out,” he folded up the phone and replaced it in his pocket, “Adams is
here with our car.  Are you ready to go?”
    “I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be,” she said as
she pulled her bag behind her.
    He took it from her saying, “Let me take that for you,
it's the least I can do.”
    “You got that right.” 
    They headed back to the living room, and Donovan went
to the front door to let Adams in the house. He was a big, hefty man. Alaina noticed
Casivetti and Phillips were sitting at the dining room table drinking
coffee.  As Adams entered the house they both rose to join the other men,
he nodded his greeting to all of the agents. 
    Donovan was the first to speak. “Thanks for the car
Adams, if you just give me the information package, we'll be on our way.”
    The newly arrived agent handed him a manila envelope.
“No problem Prentice, Harrison said everything is there including the file.”
    Donovan quickly checked through the contents of the
envelope. “Can you take my car back to headquarters?”
    “Sure no problem.”  
    Donovan handed him the keys from his jeans
    Adams looked at both of them. “Good luck you
two.  Don't go stir crazy.  Oh by the way, Harrison said he's got a couple
of relief men scheduled if you need them and there’ll be a female agent at the
condo when you get there, but you can discuss that with him.  See you
later.” Adams left as quickly as he had come.
    Casivetti looked at Donovan and Alaina, “Are you two ready
to leave?”
    Donovan nodded. “Yeah, I think we should be on our
way.  Can you and Phillips secure the house?  I'm going to arrange
for it to be kept under surveillance while we're gone.  If they think Ms.
Simmons has some information they may be back.”
    “We'll take care of the house.  You should get
going,” Casivetti insisted quite adamantly.
    Donovan turned toward Alaina. “Are you ready?”
    “I guess I have to be, don't I?” she responded with
resignation.  Leaving her house this way made her feel completely bereft,
but she knew she had no choice but to go with Donovan.  Had her father
really gotten her into this mess?
    They left the house and Alaina saw the car awaiting
them in her driveway. Adams had brought a black Subaru, a car that obviously
was meant to blend into the surroundings.  Donovan put her bag into the
trunk and opened the car doors.  Alaina got in the car, and waited while
Donovan checked the contents of the trunk. 
    Shutting it he came to the car door and slid into the
driver's seat. “It looks like everything's here.  Are you sure you've got
everything you need?”
    “Yeah, I think I've got everything, but do you mind
telling me where we're going?”
    “According to the information I just got, we're going
up the coast to a condo in Newport Beach.  It’s only a couple hours
north.  We'll be safe there and the Bureau will have extra agents
discreetly guarding us.”
    “A condo?  I thought you said we would wind up in some
sleazy hotel?  I never imagined we'd be staying in a condo in suburbia.”
    “Let's not question the decisions from above, and
accept our good fortune.  A condo in Newport Beach sounds a lot more
appealing than some hotel in San Ysidro.  Looks like the week won't be so
bad after all.” 
    “Don't bet on it Prentice,” Alaina told him, afraid he
would start thinking that the week would turn into some romantic tryst. 
Donovan threw one of the manila envelopes that Adams had given him into her
lap, startling her. 
    She looked up at him, annoyed. “What's this?”
    “It's what's you've been asking for Alaina.  It
contains the files on the OAS and your father.  I thought you might like
to read it on our way to Newport Beach.  Try not to be too upset by what
you find there,” he warned her, although Donovan

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