Trust in Me

Trust in Me by Beth Cornelison Page A

Book: Trust in Me by Beth Cornelison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Cornelison
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when sober. This situation had the earmarks of serious trouble. Kevin drew a slow breath, trying to calm the tempest raging inside him, then growled through gritted teeth, "Get away from Claire, get in your car, and drive away. And maybe I'll forget to mention your underage drinking to your father."
    "Listen, you sonofabitch—" Ray lunged, planting his hands in Kevin’s chest and sending him stumbling backward. "I ain’t gonna warn you again! Now get outta my face!"
    Kevin's fist balled at his side, and his muscles twitched with the urge to smash Ray's nose. But the bloodied face of another nemesis flashed in Kevin's memory, along with the sickening horror and guilt he'd known as a twelve-year-old, learning his power to hurt, the capacity of his hands to inflict harm. He shuddered and pushed the disturbing memory aside.
    A great deal of practiced restraint and the determination not to abandon his principles stopped him from swinging at the belligerent teen.
     Ray glared at him, his linebacker body teeming with suppressed rage, ready to blow. Ray's buddies had moved in to flank Claire, keeping her wedged against her car. Her pale face and trembling hands spoke for her apprehension.
    Kevin shook the tension from his hands. He wouldn't, couldn't let Ray push him into betraying the beliefs he'd sworn to uphold. The one time he'd succumbed to violence had taught him how easily rage led to pain and destruction, neither one a legacy he wanted to leave the world.
    Despite his stand against brutality, neither could he walk away. Claire needed his help, needed an escape. He inhaled deeply, searching for the cool head and frame of mind to work a peaceful solution to the confrontation.
    The rich scent of ozone and damp earth from the recent rain filled his lungs, and inspiration came like an answer from the heavens.
    Kevin edged back from the bowed up teenager, keeping a wary eye on his opponent. "All right, Ray. You want to sling dirt?"
    He made his way to the edge of the parking lot and scooped up as much mud as he could carry in his cupped hands. As he marched toward Ray's idling Corvette, he accepted that he’d pay dearly for what he had in mind.
    But Claire was worth it.
    Honoring his convictions was worth it.
    But, damn, it was going to hurt.
    "Hey, Lowery," Kevin called, his voice taunting.
    The look on Ray’s face, as mud slung across the hood and windshield of his Vette was worth it.
    Ray yelled an obscene epithet and charged to his car to inspect the damage. Rounding the tailpipe, he lunged toward Kevin.
    Backpedaling, Kevin drew Ray away from Claire. His Neanderthal friends followed.
    "Claire, go home!" Kevin shouted.
    Ray’s vise-like grip seized Kevin’s throat.
    "Ray Lowery, don’t you dare!" Claire screeched
    "Get outta here, Claire. Go home!" he repeated with his last gulp of oxygen. He knew she’d heard him, yet she stood frozen and watched.
    Please, God, don’t let her watch ! This would hurt enough without knowing Claire witnessed it.
    "You sorry sonofabitch!" Ray shoved him so hard that Kevin's backside landed on the pavement. His breath whooshed out of lungs. Still Kevin’s eyes stayed glued on Claire.
    "Please, Claire, go home!"  He coughed, fighting for the air to speak.
    Ray caught on then and unleashed his fury. "Thought you were saving her, huh, Fuller?"
    A booted foot crashed into Kevin’s ribs, and pain streaked through his chest like lightning. Again and again...
    "You’re the one who’s gonna need savin’ by the time I’m done with you!" Ray snarled as he grabbed Kevin by the shirt and hauled him to his feet. "Can’t you even defend yourself, you wimp?"
    "Can, but won’t."  Kevin's voice was steadier than his knees.
    "You are pathetic."  Ray smashed a fist into Kevin’s jaw and another into his eye socket before Kevin even registered the first blow.
    The rest of the beating became a blur. He could hear both Claire and the Neanderthals screaming at Ray to stop, but time and again Ray’s

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