Trouble In Triplicate

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Book: Trouble In Triplicate by Rex Stout Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rex Stout
Tags: thriller, Crime, Mystery, Classic
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all right. Seeing he was impervious, I retrieved the exhibits without a word, returned to the office, and busied myself with the chores-letters to write, vital statistics of orchids to enter on cards, and similar manly tasks. Nor did he fudge on the time. It was eleven on the dot when he came down, got into his oversized chair behind his desk, and began the routine-going through the mail I had not discarded, signing checks, inspecting the bank balance, dictating letters and memos, glancing down at his calendar pad, and ringing for beer. Not until Fritz had brought the beer and he had irrigated his interior did he lean back in his chair, let his eyes go half shut, and observe:
    'Archie, you could easily have clipped that thing from the magazine, bought an envelope and printed my name and address on it, stamped it and mailed it. Nothing would have been simpler.'
    I grinned at him and shook my head. 'Not my style. Besides, what for'I never exert myself without a purpose. Besides again, would I be apt to infuriate and embitter you at this moment, when I know General Carpenter will phone for your opinion?'
    'You will, of course, postpone your trip to Washington.'
    I let my frank, open countenance betray surprise. 'I can't. I have an appointment with a lieutenant general; Anyhow, why?' I indicated the envelope and clipping on his desk. 'That tomfoolery'No panic is called for. I doubt the urgency of your peril. A man planning a murder doesn't spend his energy clipping pieces out of adver-'
    'You are going to Washington?'
    'Yes, sir. I have a date. Of course I could phone Carpenter and tell him your nerves are a little shaky on account of an anony-'
    'When do you leave?'
    'I have a seat on the six o'clock train, but I could take a later-'
    'Very well. Then we have the day. Your notebook.' Wolfe leaned forward to pour beer and drink, and then leaned back again. 'I offer a comment on your jocosity. When Mr. Jensen called here yesterday and showed us that thing we had no inkling of the character of the person who had sent it. It might have been merely the attempt of a coward to upset his digestion. We no longer enjoy that ignorance. This person not only promptly killed Mr. Jensen, with wit equal to his determination, but also killed Mr. Doyle, a stranger, whose presence could not have been foreseen. We now know that this person is cold-blooded, ruthless, quick to decide and to act, and an egomaniac.'
    'Yes, sir. I agree. If you go to bed and stay there until I get back from Washington, letting no one but Fritz enter the room, I may not be able to control my tongue when with you but actually I will understand and I won't tell anybody. You need a rest anyway. And don't lick any envelopes.'
    'Bah.' Wolfe wiggled a finger at me. 'That thing was not sent to you. Presumably you are not on the agenda.'
    'Yes, sir.'
    'And this person is dangerous and requires attention.'
    'I agree.'
    'Very well.' Wolfe shut his eyes. 'Take notes as needed. It may be assumed, if this person means business with me as he did with Mr. Jensen, that this is connected with the case of Captain Peter Root. I had no other association whatever with Mr. Jensen-learn the whereabouts of Captain Root.'
    'The court-martial gave him three years in the cooler.'
    'I know it. Is he there'Also, what about that young woman, his fianc9?e, who raised such a ruction about it and called me a mongrel bloodhound'A contradiction in terms-not a good epithet. Her name is Jane Geer.' Wolfe's eyes half opened for an instant. 'You have a habit of knowing how to locate personable young women without delay. Have you seen that one recently?'
    'Oh,' I said offhand, 'I sort of struck up an acquaintance with her. I guess I can get in touch with her. But I doubt-'
    'Do so. I want to see her. Excuse me for interrupting, but you have a train to catch. Also inform Inspector Cramer of this development and suggest that he investigate Captain Root's background-his relatives and intimates-anyone besides Miss

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