Trouble in the Trees

Trouble in the Trees by Yolanda Ridge Page B

Book: Trouble in the Trees by Yolanda Ridge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yolanda Ridge
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    An updated list of current Cedar Grove bylaws is available on our website.
    The Neighborhood Council would like to remind residents that parents are responsible for ensuring the safety of their children while on Cedar Grove property.
    We would also like to recognize Brianna Bridges, Unit 83, for bringing the issue of tree-climbing safety forward for discussion. As noted in her presentation at the AGM, which is posted on our website, the risk of injury while climbing can be significantly reduced through education, supervision and adherence to a few basic rules. We are pleased that Brianna has volunteered to continue offering basic tree-climbing lessons to any interested residents.
    Thank you all for your cooperation.
    Cedar Grove Neighborhood Council
    I had to read the notice three times to make sure I got it right.
    â€œSo?” I still wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry.
    â€œSo, congratulations, Brianna,” Ms. Matheson said.
    â€œWe can climb?”
    Ms. Matheson didn’t answer. Instead she asked, “Are you willing to continue offering basic tree-climbing lessons?”
    Before I could reply, Mom came in with a tray of stuff for tea.
    â€œHow’s it going?” Mom asked.
    They were both looking at me, so I said, “Good… I think. Does this mean it’s legal to climb all the trees?”
    â€œYes,” Ms. Matheson said, “and we are really hoping you will help reduce the risk of injury by providing education and supervision like it says in the notice.”
    â€œOf course!” I said, the excitement practically bubbling out of me.
    â€œOkay then,” Ms. Matheson said as Mom poured the tea. No one spoke.
    I wasn’t sure what to do. I wanted to jump up and celebrate, but Mom had taught me it was rude to gloat. And I really did appreciate Ms. Matheson coming to give me the news in person, even if it was to ensure that I would continue providing lessons. I couldn’t believe I was now being asked to do exactly what I didn’t want to be caught doing just two short weeks ago.
    The silence was bad. I felt like I was waiting in the principal’s office.
    My desperation to get out of the house finally won. Breaking the uncomfortable silence, I said, “Excuse me, but can I go?”
    Ms. Matheson smiled, and Mom said, “Go where?”
    â€œClimbing!” I jumped up, unable to contain my excitement anymore.
    Mom looked over at Ms. Matheson who nodded and handed her the letter.
    â€œGo,” Mom said.
    â€œEthan’s waiting for you,” said Ms. Matheson.
    I ran out the door and left them with their tea.
    I could see Ethan in the tree as soon as I reached it.
    â€œCome on up!” he yelled.
    â€œI forgot how rough this one is,” I said when I was finally perched on the branch next to him. I surveyed the scrapes left on my elbow by the tree’s rough bark.
    â€œI’ve named it Old Scratchy,” Ethan said proudly.
    â€œGood name.”
    â€œI bet you can’t wait to tackle Mount Everest again,” Ethan said, gesturing toward the tall tree beside us.
    I nodded. “So your Mom explained it all to you?” I asked.
    â€œShe didn’t have to,” he said, “but she came out and watched me climb before going over to see you. She was really impressed. Said that tree climbing had given me confidence or something.”
    I looked at him and smiled.
    â€œShe also said…” Ethan hesitated.
    â€œThat you should run for Neighborhood Council next year.”
    I rolled my eyes. “I think I’ll join Tree Climbers International instead.”
    We both got a good laugh out of that. Then we started climbing higher.
    And it was all legal.

    Many thanks to Claire, for giving me the idea, helping brainstorm the plot and suffering through the very first draft: This story wouldn’t exist without you. Thank you also to Jennifer Heath,

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