Triple Shot

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Book: Triple Shot by Ava Riley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Riley
Tags: Erótica
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them again. And what would Susan think of him if he found
the physical pleasure with Erin that he so wanted with her? And why did he
care? She didn’t show any signs of wanting him. Just the opposite had occurred.
She’d made it perfectly clear to him that she had no interest in it at all. Hell,
he was a grown man and could have sex with anyone he wanted. He didn’t need permission
or approval from any of them. Erin hadn’t done anything to him, except buy him
a drink. Just walk away , he told himself nonetheless. And although he
knew he should, his ass stayed in the seat and his third shot found its way to
his mouth. As he finished off the shot, Erin’s fingers caressed his inner
thigh, her long fingernails scraping against the Wranglers that clung to him
like a second skin. Her fingers inching up his thigh caused his cock to twitch
and he slowly closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of her touch for a moment.
    “How about a dance?” he asked as he
slammed his shot glass down and finished off his beer.
    “Sure,” she said as she released his
    They made the rounds on the dance floor,
Josiah unable to stop himself from comparing Erin to Susan. Erin was much more
graceful when it came to dancing, but the feel of her body next to his felt wrong.
Susan’s had caused heat to run through his veins, and although his body had a
reaction to Erin, it had been minimal to the way he was affected by Susan. With
Susan, it had taken every ounce of energy he had to keep his hands to himself. However,
with Erin he knew he’d have to touch her if he wanted to find the physical
release he was looking for, so he pushed the vision of Susan from his mind and
placed his hands on the firmness of Erin’s ass. There were only a few other
couples in the bar so the two of them had the floor pretty much to themselves. As
they slow danced, he cupped the back of her head, lowering his mouth to hers. He
didn’t even have to make a request with his tongue for entrance as Erin had
opened her mouth to him immediately, lashing out her tongue eagerly. He felt
disappoint rise at once, wanting there to be some kind of battle of wills, but
she proved that he’d get no fight from her. One night . Get her out of
here, find your release, and be done with it .
    “How about you take me back to your
place?” Erin asked as she slid her arms around his neck, her body pressed
tightly to his.
    Josiah shook his head, his mind clouding
as his cock began to harden while Erin’s fingertips gently scraped the nape of
his neck. That part of his body, as well as his throat, had always been
erogenous zones for him. Touch him there with fingernails or lips and his cock
would respond.
    “I’m staying at Rowan’s, that wouldn’t
be a good idea. We can go to your place or get a hotel.”
    “My place is good,” she responded.
    Josiah placed his hand on the small of
Erin’s back and led her to the bar. He couldn’t help but notice how differently
it felt, his fingertips not traveling the length of her spine as he had with
Susan, the desire to do so absent. He shook his head to push the woman out of
his mind. He came here tonight to relax, to find some action, and to forget
about Susan. Waving over the bartender so that he could close out his tab, his
cock pressed against the denim he wore as Erin’s hand slid down over his ass
while he signed off on the bill. They quickly navigated their way out to the
parking lot, Josiah informing Erin he didn’t want to drive after having the number
of drinks he’d had. She offered to drive, vowing to bring him to his car once
he sobered up. A quickie to release the ache in his crotch and he’d be done
with her, he thought. Just one night, became his mantra. He wasn’t sure
if it was to get him through what he knew he shouldn’t be doing or to remind
himself that he wasn’t looking for something long term just this one night. When
they reached Erin’s car, he walked her to the driver’s side ready to open the

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