Tribal Court
of his nose. "That's not really the point. I heard Quilcene's cousin scream. I watched Freddy's killer speed away."
    "Good," Duncan assured evenly. "I'm sure you'll be a great witness for the Pierce County Prosecutor's Office, if they ever catch who did it. But right now, I need you to be a great prosecutor for the King County Prosecutor's Office."
    Brunelle looked down and ran his hands through his hair, but wasn't sure what to say.
    "Just stay focused," Duncan advised. "Those other murders are just like the other cases in your file cabinet. Unrelated homicides. Focus on what's in front of you."
    Brunelle looked up. "But what if they're not unrelated?"
    Duncan 's face screwed up into a frown. "What do you mean? A gang member with a hundred enemies, and a lawyer in the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course they're unrelated."
    Brunelle frowned. "I don't know, Matt. Traver had no family. Freddy said the blood feud could continue if someone else took up the cause. What if Freddy really did take it up? What if he really did stab Quilcene's cousin? That would explain why he was killed."
    Duncan returned Brunelle's frown. "I don't buy it, Dave. But so what? By the time the cops unravel it, you'll be done with the Quilcene trial."
    "So what?" Brunelle complained. "So I'm the other prosecutor. If Freddy took up the feud for our victim, then I'm pretty sure I'm on Team George too."
    Duncan stared at Brunelle for several seconds. "That's crazy, Dave."
    "I know, I know. But this whole damn thing is crazy."
    Duncan nodded. "Okay, fine. You're Team George. So what?"
    "So I'm in the goddamn blood feud now, that's what."
    "Good," Duncan grinned.
    "Good?" Brunelle shook his head at Duncan. "What's good about that?"
    "Well, they made the last move," Duncan explained. "As long as you don't kill anyone on their team, you should be fine."
    Brunelle thought about it for a moment, then started nodding. "Okay, yeah. That makes sense."
    "Unless another one of Quilcene's family happens to get offed in random gang violence and they think you did it."
    Brunelle's shoulders dropped. "Oh, great. What do I do if that happens.?"
    Duncan smiled darkly. "Get co-counsel."
    Brunelle shook his head. "Great. Thanks, Matt. Very helpful."
    He stood up and headed for the door.
    "Hey, Dave?" Duncan called out after him.
    Brunelle turned around. "Yeah?"
    "Maybe the best cure for Team George is a Team Dave."
    Brunelle narrowed his eyes, not understanding.
    "It's okay to have people on your team, Dave," Duncan explained. "You've got lots of friends. Lean on them if you have to."
    Brunelle considered for a moment. "Okay, Matt. Thanks." Then he turned and walked out, giving the doorframe a light punch as he passed.

Chapter 20
    Kat's office was the last one on the left. Just off the examining room. Brunelle could never understand how she could sit at a desk so close to the stench of death. He supposed she must not even notice it any more.
    "Knock, knock," he said as he tapped on her doorframe. "Surprise."
    She looked up from her computer and took in the sight of him. Her expression was difficult to decipher. Either she was happy to see him then tried to hide it, or she was happy to see him then changed her mind.
    "Oh. It's you." She turned back to her screen. "Who let you in?"
    "Jody," Brunelle replied. "Homicide prosecutors get waved right in."
    "Pity," Kat said without looking at him. "They should be more careful."
    Brunelle shifted his weight. "Look." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. This case has gotten under my skin and, um, well: sorry."
    Kat finally looked away from her monitor. She spun in her seat to fully face him. "Sorry, huh? Sorry for what?"
    There was an unmistakable edge to her voice.
    "Um," Brunelle started. "Sorry it seemed like I was using you to review autopsy reports for me the other night."
    Kat nodded. "Uh huh." She pursed her lips. "Seemed like?"
    Brunelle frowned. "Right." He cast his eyes downward. "I'm

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