Trent's Montana Bride (Sweet, clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers and Brides series)

Trent's Montana Bride (Sweet, clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers and Brides series) by Maya Stirling Page A

Book: Trent's Montana Bride (Sweet, clean Western Historical Romance)(Montana Ranchers and Brides series) by Maya Stirling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya Stirling
    Trent smiled at Evan and felt a rush of delight as the little boy gave him a grin right back. "Evan already knows," Trent said teasing Evan's nose with a finger. "Don't you Evan? It's our little secret."
    Chloe's mouth twisted in a puzzled frown. "What are you up to, Trent McIntyre?"
    Trent shook his head, turned on his heel and made his way out. He took a silent pleasure at the sound of Chloe scurrying behind him.
    They went downstairs. Instead of heading out the front door Trent turned into the parlor, heading for the French doors at the rear of the house.  
    "Where are we going?" Chloe demanded.  
    Trent strode on, ignoring her request for an explanation. Evan started to giggle.  
    Trent could feel Chloe's eyes burrowing into his back. They went out the French doors and entered the back garden. Mrs. Ross had been tending the flower beds and borders for years. She'd created a beautiful enclosed green space made up of rows of well trimmed bushes, multi colored native Montana flowers of eye popping variety. There was a narrow path which led up the gradual incline to a grove of trees. The copse stretched far back from the house rising up the hillside upon which the ranch house was perched. Trent held Evan closer to him as he strode purposefully onward.
    "I thought we were going for a ride on the buckboard," Chloe asked.  
    Trent shook his head. "Not safe yet for Evan," he answered emphatically.
    Chloe drew up by his side gazing up at him. She had to draw her dress close in tight to prevent it snagging on the bushes and flower beds.
    "So this...picnic is in the back garden?"
    Trent shook his head. "Not just any old back garden."
    He strode on. They came to the first of the trees. Trent knew the safest path to take. He was careful with Evan as he lowered his head, edging his way through the grove of trees. He pushed stray branches aside and paused, turning to make sure that Chloe was okay. He smiled as he saw her clutch her dress tight in her fist and trying to maintain a modicum of dignity while avoiding the bending branches.
    "You okay?" He asked with a grin.  
    She peered at him in the softer, shadowed light of the grove. "I'm fine. And Evan?"
    Trent twisted his head. "He looks like he's fascinated by the trees."
    Evan was gazing up at the dappled light from the branches above his head. He had a huge smile on his face.
    After a few minutes of making their way through the coolness of the grove they suddenly emerged out into a circular open area. Trent heard Chloe gasp and smiled. It was just as he'd asked Mrs. Ross to set it up.  
    "Trent! It's beautiful," Chloe said with a sigh.
    They stood in flat clearing in the trees. There was a small, round wooden table and plain chairs. On the table Trent saw the large basket which contained the food. All around the edge of the space were flowers of various types and colors. Trent went to the table and turned. Because of the steep incline of the hill he could see over the top of the trees, above the house and out across the valley. It was a view that never failed to affect him, and here with Chloe and Evan it touched him more than usual.
    "I never knew this was here," Chloe said joining him at the table.
    Trent nodded. "It's a little secret place. I come here when I want some privacy." He turned and looked down at Chloe. "Now it's your secret place too. And Evan's," he said glancing at the smiling boy, who was gazing up at the clear blue sky.
    "You said it was going to be a picnic. I thought we'd be sitting on a rug on a hillside somewhere," Chloe said.
    "You don't like it here?" Trent asked.
    Chloe smiled and nodded. "Of course I like it here. It's beautiful."
    Trent turned and sat down on one of the chairs. "Guess we should think about the food that's in the basket," he said.  
    "Of course," Chloe said opening it up and looking inside. She took out the small plates and chicken that were inside. "Mrs. Ross has outdone herself," she said lifting out more plates with

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