Treats for Trixie

Treats for Trixie by Marteeka Karland Page A

Book: Treats for Trixie by Marteeka Karland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marteeka Karland
Tags: Romance
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him like this, she bent over the edge of the bar to get the attention of the bartender. The movement brought her short skirt high over the backs of her smooth, dark thighs.
    And just like that, the image of him pushing her upper body down on the bar and plunging into her entered his mind. He seized on it, knowing that image would forever haunt him. Just like the woman. He wanted to bind her arms behind her back or over her head, pin her knees to her shoulders, and take her until they were both so worn out neither of them could move. He’d cover her with his body and keep her there for the better part of this century, or until he was compelled to let her up. Maybe he’d keep her under him forever.
    Or tied to a St. Andrew’s Cross…
    Ah, gods, he could just imagine the slick, tight feel of her cunt grasping his cock as he pounded her from behind. He’d take her ass next, plunging into her with abandon. Would she enjoy that forbidden pleasure or beg him to stop, to let her go? The more he thought about it, the more he knew he needed Trixie begging him to take her any way he wanted. Forrest was never a man to deny himself pleasure during sex, but he’d always made sure to satisfy any woman he had in his care. Trixie would be no different.
    And just like that, he made up his mind. Trixie Lance was his.

Chapter Two
    Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, he walked into mine . Trixie knew she was playing with fire even as she had her Casablanca moment. Forrest Erebus was way out of her league. Not to mention he was one of the most notorious Doms in the coven. Witches and familiars alike had tried to tempt him into more than a couple weeks in his dungeon, but none had managed to hold his attention longer than it took to orgasm. A few dozen times. Or more. Unfortunately, Trixie couldn’t seem to stop thinking about all that hedonistic pleasure to be had in his arms. Realistically, she knew she wasn’t ready for his brand of sex. If she gave herself to him the way it was rumored he demanded, she’d lose herself. But oh, what a time she’d have!
    Did she dare?
    As she signaled the bartender for her usual ginger ale, a large warm body pressed against her backside. The unmistakable bulge of a very long, very thick cock pressed snugly between the cheeks of her ass through her skirt. Forrest. She’d know his scent anywhere. He smelled like his namesake. Pine, cedar, and rich earth underscored the rich masculine scent of warm male as he surrounded her with his body, his arms on either side of her. It was a public display. Him staking a claim. Immediately, her heart began to race even as she arched her back, craving more of his seductive touch.
    “You live too dangerously for a woman who drinks ginger ale.” Forrest’s voice was warm and smooth, like she imagined a good whisky would be. There was just enough bite to make her take notice, but it wasn’t so rough he scared her away.
    “Says the man sitting in a bar when any one of the women here would gladly go home with you.” She turned to face him. “What do you want?”
    He grinned but didn’t move out of her space. Instead, he leaned in closer, his breath fanning her cheek. “You,” he said simply.
    Trixie couldn’t help inhaling deeply, taking in his scent deep. She’d already known he was aroused, but the depth of his need surprised her. Given the strength of his scent, the way it rose sharply when he moved even inches closer to her told her he was aroused for her. Only her.
    “I’m not your usual caliber of lover. Are you sure you don’t have me mixed up with another familiar?”
    There was no way Trixie could keep her own arousal from firing. The results were...surprising. His magick and hers mingled, the energy sparking off each other creating a halo of glittering magick around them.
    “Wow,” she managed.
    “Still think I’m mistaken?” He was right at her ear, his breath and rumbly voice sending shivers down her body. Her cunt

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