Treasure Box
been so maddeningly vague about what was wrong with her family. Or even, for that matter, who they were. The only one she ever mentioned specifically in connection with this house was her grandmother. Quentin's own grandmothers were so funny and loving and kind, each in her own way, that it was hard to imagine that any grandmother could be awful. What would an evil grandmother do, bake cookies without sugar? Refuse to babysit?
    "Wake up, Quentin."
    "Did I doze off?"
    "I wasn't
long in the bathroom. I think you're just hoping to avoid meeting my family."
    "Maybe. Unconsciously, I assure you."
    "You still haven't opened your eyes."
    "Who else am I meeting today? Besides your dreaded grandmother?"
    "Whoever's in residence, of course."
    "I'll meet your parents, won't I?"
    "I doubt it."
    He felt his insides twist. "Then why are we here? Mad, I wanted to meet your parents."
    "You never said that. You said you wanted to meet my family."
    "And are those two separate entities?"
    "My parents don't live here. My mother had a falling out with my grandmother."
    "Well, why don't we go meet your mother, then?"
    "Because this is home," said Madeleine. "This is my inheritance."
    "You're the only heir?"
    "Tin, I think you're stalling."
    "I just don't get how your family is related."
    "Grandmother begat Mother, and Mother begat me. Like in the Bible."
    Quentin pulled the pillow over his head. She jerked it off at once, then pulled off the covers. There was a definite chill in the room.
    "Come on, it's cold."
    "You should have put your jammies back on last night."
    "After you went to all the trouble of pulling them off with your teeth?"
    "In your dreams."
    "You mean I was dreaming?"
    "The glass of cold water comes next, Tin. Rise and shine."
    Quentin immediately quoted: " 'Whenever I hear you saying, Rise and shine, rise and shine, it makes me think how lucky dead people are!' "
    "What are you quoting?"
Glass Menagerie
. Tennessee Williams. High school English class."
    "Get. Out. Of. Bed." She began pulling on his foot. He let her drag him to the floor, then tried to pull her down on top of him. But instead she planted a foot on his chest and said, "Rise or die, Tin."
    "Oh, well, if
my choice."
    The bathroom floor was icy. The water from the tap was icy. He ran and ran the hot water. The temperature didn't change. He stuck his head out of the bathroom door. Madeleine was shimmying into a dress. She never wore dresses in the daytime.
    "How long do I wait for hot water?"
    "There's no hot water in the morning here. Didn't I tell you? Grandmother believes morning baths are bad for the health. The hot water is turned on at two in the afternoon so that you can have a hot bath between four and six, in time for supper."
    "Are you joking?"
    "Was it funny?"
    "So cold water is all I get?"
    "It's good for what ails you."
    He splashed the stuff onto his lace and shivered into the face towel. He toyed with the idea of not shaving—his beard wasn't all that heavy and the color was light, and he often went a day without shaving. But Grandmother—he had to make the right impression on her, didn't he? If Mad was wearing a dress...
    A few minutes later, dressed in sweater and slacks—she had warned him not to bring jeans, as there would be no occasion for which they would be regarded as appropriate—he gave Madeleine his arm, opened the door, and led her out into the corridor.
    A man was standing there, arms folded. He had a beard, dark and cut to a point at the chin. His bearing was military, but his clothing was civilian. A suit, and rather an old-fashioned one. "About time the two of you came out of there."
    "Why should it have bothered you, Uncle Stephen?" said Madeleine in a sickeningly sweet tone. "Did you need to use our bathroom?"
    "Your grandmother wouldn't let anyone eat breakfast till you came down."
    "So she's in a good mood. Glad to hear it."
    Uncle Stephen scowled and marched down the stairs.
    "She waited breakfast for us?" asked

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