Transmission: Voodoo Plague Book 5

Transmission: Voodoo Plague Book 5 by Dirk Patton Page B

Book: Transmission: Voodoo Plague Book 5 by Dirk Patton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dirk Patton
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exfiltration from Los Alamos.”  It was the only event he could
come up with that had a specific answer, but wasn’t important enough for anyone
that wasn’t there to have all the details.
    “That would be Technical Sergeant Scott.  He fell and broke
his right arm, below the elbow.  He also suffered a head injury and lost
consciousness.  How is he, by the way?”  She hadn’t hesitated for a second. 
Certainly hadn’t had to look through notes to come up with the correct answer.
    Crawford looked up and nodded at the Admiral, letting him
know the correct answer had been given.
    “Thank you, Captain.”  The Colonel said.  “Scott is
recovering nicely.  So, are you calling about the vaccine, or the three special
packages the Major gave you?”
    “The packages, Colonel.  They were on board an Antonov cargo
plane bound for Moscow.  Two hours ago you shot that plane down as it took off
from Kirtland Air Force Base.  I want to know why you are going back on the
deal I made with Major Chase.”  Her voice had a hard edge to it as she spoke.
    “Captain, I assure you I did not shoot down any Russian
plane two hours ago.”  Crawford said, Admiral Packard interjecting before Irina
could respond.
    “Captain, Admiral Packard.  That plane was shot down on my
standing orders.  As I’m sure you can understand, things move slowly within the
chain of command, and they’re moving even slower after the attacks on my
country.  Updated orders had not yet reached the team that fired on your
plane.  No one has violated the agreement you made with the Major.”
    There was silence on the line as Irina thought about what
she’d just been told.  “I accept your explanation, Admiral.”  She finally said
after a nearly a minute.  “But we now have a problem.  There’s a madman in the
Kremlin and my comrades and I no longer have any way to stop him.  If he’s not
stopped, the vaccine will only delay the inevitable for America.  He is
determined to destroy your country to the last man.”
    “Please stand by, Captain.”  Packard pushed a button that
placed Irina on hold, isolating her from the call.  “What do you think, Jack?” 
He asked Colonel Crawford.  Use of the Colonel’s first name told him the
Admiral wanted the pure, unvarnished truth.
    “I think we have three specials in our possession.  If we
can trust this woman, whom I’m still not one hundred percent sure about, those
three bombs won’t do us any good.  Sure, we can deliver one to each of the
three Air Force bases they’ve captured, but what will that really gain us?  A
few dead Russians?  They’ll fly replacements in within 24 hours.
    “My opinion is that we don’t have a better option than
making a leap of faith and supplying her with whatever she asks for.  I’ve been
doing some research today, and her uncle is Fleet Admiral Shevchenko.  He’s
about as moderate as a Russian gets, and personally I’d much rather see him in
control of Russia than this asshole Barinov who’s been butt fucking us for the
past month.  Sir.”
    Packard smiled and nodded.  “Succinctly put, Colonel.  OK,
I’m bringing her back on.”
    “Captain Vostov?”
    “Admiral, I’m still here.”
    “Captain, we are prepared to provide you with whatever
equipment and support you require, but I need to check with my superiors first.” 
Packard said.
    “That’s not acceptable, Admiral!  I made a deal with Major
Chase, and the inefficiency of your military is the only reason we’re even
having this conversation.  I have honored our deal, and I expect you to do the
same.  I happen to know you don’t have any superiors to check with.  Do not
forget I’m GRU.  I know you are the highest ranking survivor, and that your
President and Congress are all dead.  Do not play games with me!”  Irina’s
voice was hard and loud.  The woman was obviously under a lot of stress.
    “Captain, there are things you don’t know.  I will recommend

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