TRACE (The TRACE Series, #1)
head hitting the hard tile floor keeps replaying in my mind. The blood that was flowing rapidly out of his nose when Ben turned his head to the side was jarring, but more than that, the evident edge of panic in Ben's voice when he was trying to get his friend to open his eyes was disorienting. I've never seen the impenetrable façade of Ben Foster break until today.
    "Is he going to be okay?" I hang my head towards the floor. After two other male doctors had rushed into the room, they were able to lift Garrett onto the exam table. I stood by, assisting Ben with whatever I could, even though now, three hours later, I'm still shaking as much as I was then.
    He lowers himself into the chair next to me in the nurse's lounge. "He'll be fine. He didn't suffer a concussion or any broken bones from either incident. There are a few lacerations on his face but nothing that will be permanent.  His blood sugar was dangerously low. That's why he fainted."
    "I should have been more insistent on having his blood drawn." I push the toes of my shoes together. "I would have realized before he fell."
    "I spoke to the paramedics who brought him in earlier." He pats my knee. "They had a hell of a ride over here with him."
    I curb the urge to chuckle because I can only imagine what went on inside that ambulance. I was in admitting when they wheeled him into the ER. I watched, along with two other nurses, as Garrett jumped off the stretcher when the paramedics turned their backs. He didn't want to be here but the insistence of the nurse in charge had been enough to convince him that a doctor had to look him over. The man thinks he's made of steel.
    "I'm glad he'll be okay." I whisper with a small, weak smile. "I didn't realize you two were friends when they brought him in."
    His gaze meets mine. "He's one of the good ones. We met at a mutual friend's engagement party. Her name is Lilly. Garrett is her attorney."
    "I read in his chart that he's a lawyer." I turn my head to look at him.
    "He helps with the foundation. He does all of our legal stuff for us pro bono. I've never met a nicer guy."
    He's talking about the Foster Foundation. Ben and his twin brother, Noah, established it in honor of their late mother. It provides medical care for anyone who can't afford it. It began as a small project and has since taken on a life of its own. Just last month, a national news crew was in here, interviewing Ben so they could showcase the good work he does.
    "I had no idea he even knew you," I say truthfully. "I wouldn't have pegged you two as friends."
    "Why not?"
    I scratch my cheek as I weigh my question. Bringing up what Garrett said to me serves no purpose at this point. He's tucked safely away in a bed on the third floor and it's likely by this time tomorrow, he'll be at home resting comfortably. I'll never see the man again.
    "You two seem very different," I offer before I continue. "I'm just happy that he'll be alright."
    "I'm going back up to see him before I leave for the day." He leisurely rises to his feet. "Do you want to come with me? He was asking about you."
    "About me? Why would he ask about me?"
    "I don't know." His eyes narrow. "He just said that he needed to see the beautiful nurse from the ER."
    "That could be anyone." I stand and adjust the left leg of my pants over my shoe. "He wasn't exactly lucid when I was trying to help him. I doubt he remembers me at all."
    I say it as much out of hope as belief. I don't want Garrett to remember me. I'm optimistic that his face first fall into the floor will erase from his memory what I said to him. He's an attorney. If he goes to the hospital board with a complaint about me, my job is history.
    "He remembers." He turns to walk out of the lounge. "He told me he remembers everything about you."

Chapter 2
    I 'm on the third floor. Visiting hours are over. My shift is over too. It's actually been over for more than an hour but I hung around in the cafeteria debating whether I should go see what

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