Too Hot to Handle: A Loveswept Classic Romance

Too Hot to Handle: A Loveswept Classic Romance by Sandra Chastain Page B

Book: Too Hot to Handle: A Loveswept Classic Romance by Sandra Chastain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Chastain
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Neither of them spoke, but the silence was sweet and full of emotion. Callie needed a moment to sort out the new feelings she was experiencing. Every part of her felt sated and tender, andlight enough to fly. She smiled at the thought that the anchor of Matt’s leg was all that kept her from floating blissfully out the window into the magenta evening sky.
    “Callie?” Matt’s voice was tentative. “Callie, I can’t excuse the fact that I was careless today. I can’t believe that I didn’t stop to question you more. I’ve never taken a woman to bed without doing the proper planning.”
    “Poor, overorganized Matt.” He was really in distress. She stroked his arm gently. “I believe you’re the most responsible man I know. There’s not an irresponsible bone in your body. Relax, dear one.”
    He nuzzled her cheek in response to the sweet words, but he still sounded upset. “I should have been prepared. What I’m trying to say is that I didn’t take any precautions. I didn’t take care of you, Callie. I might have made you pregnant.”
    Callie reached down and caressed his satiated male part, and enjoyed feeling him stiffen at even her faintest touch. “Would that be so bad?”
    He was silent for a moment, and she held her breath. “No,” he whispered. “It really wouldn’t.”
    Callie kissed him deeply. “I couldn’t be irresponsible about that, Matt. But thanks for being wonderful.” He smiled at her tenderly, and she stroked his jaw. “I took care of everything. I stopped while I was out this afternoon and had myself fitted for a diaphragm.”
    He breathed a sigh of relief, then thought for a minute. “But you didn’t put it in.”
    “The doctor did, Matt. And I never took it out.”
    “You’d already made up your mind to let me make love to you?”
    “No, what I had in mind was my making love to you.”
    “What would you have done if I hadn’t driven up here today? Would you have come to Atlanta?”
    “I don’t think so. Why? Do you intend to stay in Atlanta from now on?” She squinted at him shrewdly. “I’m still not going to sell you Ruby.”
    He tapped her rear lightly, in rebuke. “I don’t care whether you do or not. You’re so suspicious.”
    “I know. Forgive me.”
    “So you won’t come to Atlanta to make love to me,” he noted quietly.
    “No. But I’ll be here whenever you have time for me, Matt.”
    He looked at her solemnly. “I’ll make time. Lots of time.”
    There was an intimacy to their conversation. He was holding her, running his hands over her body in a soft, reassuring caress. Callie couldn’t seem to stop her fingers from stroking, teasing, touching as she rubbed him, then rubbed herself with the part of his body she was slowly bringing back to life.
    “Didn’t anybody ever tell you that when a man reaches thirty-five he’s past the peak of his sexual ability?” Matt asked gruffly. “I mean, two times in less than thirty minutes is a commendable showing. Three times in less than thirty minutes is purely showing off.”
    “Doesn’t bother William,” Callie answered saucily, “and he’s the equivalent of forty years old in human terms, if my figures are correct. Tom Hicks’s lady goat got out last week, and William was extremely … attentive. I told Tom that William would do the honorable thing and marry her, but Tom said he likes baby goats, so I needn’t feel bad.”
    Matt chuckled. “I refuse to be compared to William on this score,” he informed her. “You greedy woman.” Matt rolled over on his back and pulled her on top of him. “I’ll do the honorable thing by you,” he said solemnly.
    She nodded and leaned over, teasing him by brushing the mat of his chest hair with her nipples. “And I suppose what I feel beneath me is you, showing off?”
    It was and he did. It was much later before Matt remembered the potatoes he’d put into the oven to bake. It was even later when he threw them to William, who had waited patiently

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