“There are several reasons, the first being that it would strengthen the illusion that we are in a relationship, which could help us move faster in the investigation. Secondly, I like you. I am enjoying getting to know you. When this investigation is over and we have caught the bastard who is responsible for making your life a living hell, I want to still be a part of your life. Developing this, whatever it is, into something special. Lastly, I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you or your girls on my watch,” Ethan finished.
“About the girls, if I were to share in your feelings and agree to follow you down the path in which you are leading us, then you have to understand that my girls are part of the package that is me. I am not shipping them off. Also, my sister needs me from time to time and I am all that she has left, and I will be there for her when she needs me. Lastly, I have my hat in a lot of interest and passions, and I can’t or won’t slow down on pursuing them,” she informed him.
Ethan countered with, “Your girls captured my heart from the very first moment I laid eyes on them. If they don’t object, I would love to get to know them as well. I would not ever ask you to abandon your family, friends or interest in order to have a relationship with me. The way you nurture and take care of everyone is one of the things that drew me to you.”
“Thank you,” Jasmine said. “Ethan I am not seasoned in this area; dating and all that. I haven’t been with anyone in three years.”
“Okay, nothing has to happen physically with us until you are ready. We can go as slow as you need,” Ethan said.
“Okay,” Jasmine said.
“How are you feeling about what happened today?” Ethan asked.
“Right now to be honest, I am numb. I am just pushing forward because the show must go on I am refusing to give power over to this person or persons who are trying to use fear to paralyze me; what is meant to be will be. I am scared, but I can’t let that control me. I am also very tired, mentally and emotionally, to be completely honest. I have really been missing my mother and father lately,” Jasmine said trying to be open and honest. If the relationship part didn’t work then she would at least come out with a friend.
“I can be here for you, you know. I know all your girlfriends are coming over later, so you can probably get all your feelings out and not feel judged by them. But, I can be that for you, I want to be that for you,” Ethan said.
“Ethan you are so sweet and tender,” Jasmine said. “What do you need from me?” Jasmine asked. Before he could answer, Jasmine said, “I stopped and checked in on Michelle today, she told me what was going on with her leg, about how she thinks that she stopped counseling too early and that maybe all of you did.”
“It’s possible, we all have struggles with PTSD, but all of my physical wounds are healed and my emotional and mental wounds are managed with physical exercise and conversations with Trent, Townsend, and Santino. I am no different from the average human. I am damaged; holding myself together with whatever is available and working,” Ethan said.
“I guess we all do,” Jasmine said. “Where have you been my whole life?” Jasmine asked giving him another one of her dazzling smiles.
“I could ask you the same thing ma’am,” Ethan said as he pulled Jasmine in for a quick hug and a kiss on top of her forehead.
“I am going to go work on your case some more, pack my things and get moved in, if you don’t mind I will use your girl time to spend time with Amber and Alyson,” Ethan said.
“Oh really,” Jasmine said surprised.
“Sure, we can watch a movie or something? Pop some popcorn, eat candy and drink soda,” Ethan said teasingly.
“You better not, they will be wide open all night,” Jasmine said enjoying their easy banter.
She opened the door to her study. “I guess I will walk you out,”
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